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CCU3 programming manual

Verfasst: 29.10.2022, 13:06
von tjarb
Dear readers,

I'm new to the homematic CCU3 so, is there some programming manual available?
For example, I'm trying to match the HmIP-MIOB channel numbers with the right actuators and inputs. But I cant find info about it.

Best regards,

Re: CCU3 programming manual

Verfasst: 29.10.2022, 16:19
von frd030
I don't know, what you exactly mean with "programming".
There is the "WebUI manual" as a starter maybe. Available in German only, though.

Here you may find even more information, most of it in German, some also in English. Give it a try!

Re: CCU3 programming manual

Verfasst: 01.11.2022, 11:45
von tjarb

With programming manual I mean the channel definitions which have to be tied together (transmitter->channel) in relation to the hardware.
For example, when using the MIOB there are two actuator relays (1 and 2) but the corresponding channels are... 3 and 7.
Is there some documentation regarding these 'channels' in relation to hardware?

Best regards,

Re: CCU3 programming manual

Verfasst: 02.11.2022, 09:39
von tomi_cc16
Here I tried to translate some of the WEBUI and developments documents into englisch


But nowadays deepl is so good so you can transalate their everything

Have fun ;-)