Die Suche ergab 15 Treffer

von tomazmla
12.10.2012, 19:46
Forum: HomeMatic Tipps & Tricks - keine Fragen!
Thema: Download-Tipp: BlueID Access for HomeMatic Holiday Edition
Antworten: 13
Zugriffe: 3302

Re: Download-Tipp: BlueID Access for HomeMatic Holiday Editi

Is it required to have CCU firmware 1.507 to install the addon? Or it will work with 1.505?

Thanks and regards
von tomazmla
17.09.2012, 23:12
Forum: HomeMatic allgemein
Thema: Heizungssteuerung - Viessmann
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 4094

Re: Heizungssteuerung - Viessmann

Maybe you can control your heating device like I do my Vitodens 222f using vcontrold and vclient. Take a look at this page: http://openv.wikispaces.com.

von tomazmla
12.09.2012, 22:54
Forum: HomeMatic Tipps & Tricks - keine Fragen!
Thema: Use Siri to control HomeMatic
Antworten: 14
Zugriffe: 7567

Re: Use Siri to control HomeMatic

Does the CCU fit? I didn't try. If you can Install these packages it might: - ipkg and then: - ipkg install optware-devel - ipkg install git - ipkg install openssl -ipkg install gcc - ipkg install openssl-dev - bash - curl - rvm (use this command: curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby)...
von tomazmla
06.09.2012, 00:33
Forum: HomeMatic Tipps & Tricks - keine Fragen!
Thema: Use Siri to control HomeMatic
Antworten: 14
Zugriffe: 7567

Use Siri to control HomeMatic

Hello I own an Iphone and I wanted to control my HomeMatic devices using Siri. After searching I came across a solution named SiriProxy. It allows me to customize actions based on voice commands I make in a very simple way. What you need: - Iphone 4s - Linux server in your network - Knowledge instal...

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