GELÖST Multi Gateway mit FS-20 Modul wird nicht mehr erkannt

Anbindung von FS20-Komponenten, ELV-Wetterstationen, EnOcean und DMX an HomeMatic

Moderator: Co-Administratoren

Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 18.11.2017, 14:11
Hat sich bedankt: 1 Mal

GELÖST Multi Gateway mit FS-20 Modul wird nicht mehr erkannt

Beitrag von skohls » 22.11.2017, 22:17

Hallo Zusammen,

ich hab seit etwas mehr als einer Woche eine RaspberryMatic mit CUxD und einer FS-20 Schnittstelle über ein Multi Gateway mit entsprechendem Modul.
(PIGATOR PIM CC1101 in einem PioTek USB Multigateway).
Bis vor wenigen Stunden hat das alles problemlos funktioniert, ich hatte meine ganzen FS-20 Geräte drin und das erste HomeMatic Gerät lief auch.
Dann wollte ich die externen Antennen umbauen, dazu hab ich die Anlage runtergefahren und demontiert, einen Pigtail an das HomeMatic Modul gelötet etc.

Seit dem wird das MultiGateway nicht mehr erkannt, CUxD meckert über ein nicht unterstütztes Gerät am USB-Port, den ATXMEGA128A3U.

Irgendwie ist da wohl eine Firmware flöten gegangen denke ich...

Ich hab dann versucht ältere Backus einzuspielen, den CUxD neu zu installieren und zum Schluß hab ich eine frische SD-Karte mit dem RaspberryMatic Image betankt und den CUxD 1.11a aufgespielt - dann nach Neustart erst das Multigateway angeschlossen - leider ohne Erfolg.

Aktueller Status:

Code: Alles auswählen

  USB 1-1 - (9514) [HUB] - Wed Nov 22 21:45:03 2017
  USB 1-1.1 - (ec00) [FF] - no driver - Wed Nov 22 21:45:03 2017
  USB 1-1.3 - DFU ATXMEGA128A3U [FF] - no driver - Wed Nov 22 21:45:03 2017
  Kein TTY-Device connected!

  Erfolgreich mit HomeMatic-CCU verbunden!

  als RPC-Server(INIT) von HomeMatic-CCU (1238) angefordert!

  Diese Web-Seite wurde aufgerufen von:

  CUxD-Uptime(1.11a):              0 Tag(e) 00:04:11, 21408 Bytes belegt, Compiled Sep  4 2017 23:08:53
  CCU-Uptime(    0 Tag(e) 00:04:46, load-average: 0.01 0.04 0.01, 10s-cpu-load: 0.4%
  Speicher:  Total 949596k  Used 176856k  Free 772740k  (Cached 69068k)
  CPU(1): ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v7l) [38.40 bogomips]
  CPU(2): ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v7l) [38.40 bogomips]
  CPU(3): ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v7l) [38.40 bogomips]
  CPU(4): ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v7l) [38.40 bogomips]
  Linux version 4.9.62-v7 (damato@bilbo) (gcc version 6.4.0 (Buildroot 2017.08.1-00738-g1517dcd-dirty) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Nov 18 01:33:23 CET 2017

  Filesystem: /                  ext4     (ro) Total     487652k  Used     347217k (71.2%)  Free     140435k (28.8%)
  Filesystem: /dev               devtmpfs (rw) Total     470188k  Used          0k ( 0.0%)  Free     470188k (100.0%)
  Filesystem: /dev/shm           tmpfs    (rw) Total     474796k  Used          0k ( 0.0%)  Free     474796k (100.0%)
  Filesystem: /tmp               tmpfs    (rw) Total     474796k  Used        156k ( 0.0%)  Free     474640k (100.0%)
  Filesystem: /run               tmpfs    (rw) Total     474796k  Used         76k ( 0.0%)  Free     474720k (100.0%)
  Filesystem: /var               tmpfs    (rw) Total     474800k  Used        284k ( 0.1%)  Free     474516k (99.9%)
  Filesystem: /media             tmpfs    (rw) Total     474796k  Used          0k ( 0.0%)  Free     474796k (100.0%)
  Filesystem: /usr/local         ext4     (rw) Total    7038196k  Used     413008k ( 5.9%)  Free    6625188k (94.1%)
  Filesystem: /boot              vfat     (ro) Total      32686k  Used       7382k (22.6%)  Free      25304k (77.4%)

  CCU-MAC:     B8:27:EB:98:AC:F2
  HM-Config:   /etc/config/homematic.regadom(239271) OK! - Wed Nov 22 21:44:15 2017
  CUxD-Config: /usr/local/addons/cuxd/ - Wed Nov 22 21:44:14 2017
  CUxD-Log(2): /tmp/cuxdlog.txt(48190) - Wed Nov 22 21:49:14 2017

  aktuelle Parameter: (* = bei Änderung Neustart erforderlich)

	*LISTENPORT      '8700'
	*HM-SCRIPTPORT   '8181'
	*RPCHOST         ''
	*RPCPORT         '8701'
	 RCVLOGSIZE      '10000'
	 CUXINITCMD      'X21'
	 LOGFILE         '/tmp/cuxdlog.txt'
	 LOGLEVEL        '2'
	 LOGSIZE         '1000000'
	 DEVLOGFILE      ''
	 DEVLOGSIZE      '100000'
	 DEVLOGMOVE      ''
	 AUTOSAVE        '1'
	 MOUNTCMD        ''
	 UMOUNTCMD       ''
	 BACKUPCMD       ''
	 SYSLOGMOVE      ''
	 TH-DIR          ''
	 CLOUDMATIC_CMD  '/etc/config/addons/mh/cloudmatic'
	 WEBCAMCONFIG    '/usr/local/addons/cuxd/webcamconfig.ini'
	 WEBCAMSNAPSHOT  '/tmp/snapshots'
	 WEBCAMCACHE     '/tmp/webcams'
	 SYSLOGFILENAME  '/var/log/messages'
	 CUXD-CHARTS     '/etc/config/addons/www/cuxchart/index.html'
	 DFU_ERASE       './dfu-programmer $TARGET$ erase'
	 DFU_FLASH       './dfu-programmer $TARGET$ flash $HEXFILE$'
	 DFU_START       './dfu-programmer $TARGET$ start'

  gefundene Adressen (aktuelle zuerst 21:49:14):

und das CUxD Log:

Code: Alles auswählen

22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(LOGLEVEL=2)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(LOGSIZE=1000000)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(LOGFILEMOVE=)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(DEVLOGFILE=)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(DEVLOGSIZE=100000)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(DEVLOGMOVE=)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(DEVLOGMOVE-HR=)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(DEVLOGEXPORT=)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(DEVTIMEFORMAT=%Y-%m-%dT%X)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(DEVDATAFORMAT=)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(DEVLOGOLDALIAS=0)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(SUBSCRIBE-RF=1)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(SUBSCRIBE-WR=1)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(AUTOSAVE=1)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(MOUNTCMD=)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(UMOUNTCMD=)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(BACKUPCMD=)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(SYSLOGMOVE=)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(SYSLOGMOVEDAILY=)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(TH-DIR=)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(TH-DIR-FILTER=)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(ADDRESS-BUFFER=120)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(CLOUDMATIC_CMD=/etc/config/addons/mh/cloudmatic)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(WEBCAMCONFIG=/usr/local/addons/cuxd/webcamconfig.ini)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(WEBCAMSNAPSHOT=/tmp/snapshots)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(WEBCAMCACHE=/tmp/webcams)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(SYSLOGFILENAME=/var/log/messages)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(CUXD-CHARTS=/etc/config/addons/www/cuxchart/index.html)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(DFU_ERASE=./dfu-programmer $TARGET$ erase)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(DFU_FLASH=./dfu-programmer $TARGET$ flash $HEXFILE$)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(DFU_START=./dfu-programmer $TARGET$ start)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] read_param(INTERNAL=)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] check_params: fork(518) parent
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] syslog: CUx-Daemon(1.11a) on CCU( start PID:516
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [518] check_params: fork() child start
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [518] check_params: fork() child exit
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] syslog: load paramsets(/usr/local/addons/cuxd/ size:12 update(-49s):Wed Nov 22 21:44:14 2017
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] 
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] i! 1.11a 0
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] o! psversion:1.110000
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] 
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] init_httpd_listen_socket(8700)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] syslog: write_proxy /var/cache/cuxd_proxy.ini (516 /usr/local/addons/cuxd/ 1.11a 0)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] found interface(BidCos-RF) url(xmlrpc_bin:// info(BidCos-RF) : proto(xmlrpc_bin) host( port(2001) path()
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] found interface(VirtualDevices) url(xmlrpc:// info(Virtual Devices) : proto(xmlrpc) host( port(9292) path(/groups)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] found interface(HmIP-RF) url(xmlrpc:// info(HmIP-RF) : proto(xmlrpc) host( port(2010) path()
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] syslog: add interface 'CUxD'
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] syslog: write 4 interfaces to /usr/local/etc/config/InterfacesList.xml
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] init_rpc_server()
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] init_rpc_listen_socket(8701)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] init_devicelist( old_max(0)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] found CFG_THUMBDIR[27] '/www/config/img/devices/50/'
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] syslog: 'modprobe usbserial'
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] ***ADDCON*** 1-1.1::0 (c003D,i0000 - 9600:8N1)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] ***ADDCON*** 1-1::0 (c003D,i0000 - 9600:8N1)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] save_current_paramsets(0)
22.11.2017 21:45:03 [516] ICMP type(0) code(0) from [] id[5378] seq[0]
22.11.2017 21:45:07 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[52] seq[65095]
22.11.2017 21:45:17 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[90] seq[65133]
22.11.2017 21:45:17 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[141] seq[65184]
22.11.2017 21:45:18 [516] syslog: 'modprobe cdc-acm'
22.11.2017 21:45:21 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[143] seq[65186]
22.11.2017 21:45:21 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[139] seq[65182]
22.11.2017 21:45:21 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[145] seq[65188]
22.11.2017 21:45:21 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[151] seq[65194]
22.11.2017 21:45:21 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[148] seq[65191]
22.11.2017 21:45:21 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[148] seq[65191]
22.11.2017 21:45:21 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[149] seq[65192]
22.11.2017 21:45:21 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[138] seq[65181]
22.11.2017 21:45:21 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[145] seq[65188]
22.11.2017 21:45:21 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[141] seq[65184]
22.11.2017 21:45:21 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[148] seq[65191]
22.11.2017 21:45:21 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[159] seq[65202]
22.11.2017 21:45:21 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[156] seq[65199]
22.11.2017 21:45:21 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[149] seq[65192]
22.11.2017 21:45:21 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[139] seq[65182]
22.11.2017 21:45:21 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[156] seq[65199]
22.11.2017 21:45:21 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[157] seq[65200]
22.11.2017 21:45:21 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[135] seq[65178]
22.11.2017 21:45:21 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[119] seq[65162]
22.11.2017 21:45:21 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[118] seq[65161]
22.11.2017 21:45:22 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[228] seq[65271]
22.11.2017 21:45:22 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[183] seq[65226]
22.11.2017 21:45:22 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[191] seq[65234]
22.11.2017 21:45:22 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[206] seq[65249]
22.11.2017 21:45:22 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[182] seq[65225]
22.11.2017 21:45:22 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[197] seq[65240]
22.11.2017 21:45:22 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[179] seq[65222]
22.11.2017 21:45:22 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[195] seq[65238]
22.11.2017 21:45:22 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[185] seq[65228]
22.11.2017 21:45:22 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[195] seq[65238]
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','25.1')
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.19')
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.05')
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.01')
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','188')
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','19504')
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','78548')
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[192] seq[65235]
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[188] seq[65231]
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[196] seq[65239]
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[176] seq[65219]
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[231] seq[65274]
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[188] seq[65231]
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[189] seq[65232]
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[179] seq[65222]
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[185] seq[65228]
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[196] seq[65239]
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[140] seq[65183]
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[151] seq[65194]
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[139] seq[65182]
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[164] seq[65207]
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[134] seq[65177]
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[133] seq[65176]
22.11.2017 21:45:23 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[128] seq[65171]
22.11.2017 21:45:24 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[130] seq[65173]
22.11.2017 21:45:24 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[124] seq[65167]
22.11.2017 21:45:24 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[140] seq[65183]
22.11.2017 21:45:24 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[129] seq[65172]
22.11.2017 21:45:24 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[142] seq[65185]
22.11.2017 21:45:24 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[156] seq[65199]
22.11.2017 21:45:24 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[139] seq[65182]
22.11.2017 21:45:24 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[174] seq[65217]
22.11.2017 21:45:24 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[175] seq[65218]
22.11.2017 21:45:24 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[203] seq[65246]
22.11.2017 21:45:24 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[182] seq[65225]
22.11.2017 21:45:24 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[205] seq[65248]
22.11.2017 21:45:25 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[177] seq[65220]
22.11.2017 21:45:25 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[170] seq[65213]
22.11.2017 21:45:25 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[170] seq[65213]
22.11.2017 21:45:27 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[109] seq[65152]
22.11.2017 21:45:27 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[106] seq[65149]
22.11.2017 21:45:27 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[107] seq[65150]
22.11.2017 21:45:27 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[94] seq[65137]
22.11.2017 21:45:27 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[137] seq[65180]
22.11.2017 21:45:27 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[142] seq[65185]
22.11.2017 21:45:27 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[144] seq[65187]
22.11.2017 21:45:27 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[144] seq[65187]
22.11.2017 21:45:27 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[151] seq[65194]
22.11.2017 21:45:27 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[148] seq[65191]
22.11.2017 21:45:27 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[145] seq[65188]
22.11.2017 21:45:27 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[118] seq[65161]
22.11.2017 21:45:27 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[117] seq[65160]
22.11.2017 21:45:27 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[177] seq[65220]
22.11.2017 21:45:27 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[185] seq[65228]
22.11.2017 21:45:27 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[184] seq[65227]
22.11.2017 21:45:27 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[188] seq[65231]
22.11.2017 21:45:28 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[184] seq[65227]
22.11.2017 21:45:28 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[182] seq[65225]
22.11.2017 21:45:28 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[191] seq[65234]
22.11.2017 21:45:28 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[170] seq[65213]
22.11.2017 21:45:28 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[101] seq[65144]
22.11.2017 21:45:28 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[84] seq[65127]
22.11.2017 21:45:28 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[90] seq[65133]
22.11.2017 21:45:28 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[81] seq[65124]
22.11.2017 21:45:29 [516] RPC incoming connection(4) from fd(6)
22.11.2017 21:45:29 [516] RPC start incoming request(6)
22.11.2017 21:45:29 [516] syslog: process_rpc_request( - illegal XMLRPC(listDevices) request
22.11.2017 21:45:29 [516] RPC end incoming request(6) conn(closed)
22.11.2017 21:45:29 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[96] seq[65139]
22.11.2017 21:45:30 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[92] seq[65135]
22.11.2017 21:45:30 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[97] seq[65140]
22.11.2017 21:45:30 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[99] seq[65142]
22.11.2017 21:45:30 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[94] seq[65137]
22.11.2017 21:45:30 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[91] seq[65134]
22.11.2017 21:45:30 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[126] seq[65169]
22.11.2017 21:45:30 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[170] seq[65213]
22.11.2017 21:45:30 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[150] seq[65193]
22.11.2017 21:45:30 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[120] seq[65163]
22.11.2017 21:45:30 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[98] seq[65141]
22.11.2017 21:45:30 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[97] seq[65140]
22.11.2017 21:45:30 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[88] seq[65131]
22.11.2017 21:45:30 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[86] seq[65129]
22.11.2017 21:45:31 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[87] seq[65130]
22.11.2017 21:45:31 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[91] seq[65134]
22.11.2017 21:45:31 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[89] seq[65132]
22.11.2017 21:45:31 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[84] seq[65127]
22.11.2017 21:45:31 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[105] seq[65148]
22.11.2017 21:45:31 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[104] seq[65147]
22.11.2017 21:45:31 [516] RPC incoming connection(4) from fd(6)
22.11.2017 21:45:31 [516] RPC start incoming request(6)
22.11.2017 21:45:31 [516] syslog: process_rpc_request( - illegal XMLRPC(init) request
22.11.2017 21:45:31 [516] RPC end incoming request(6) conn(closed)
22.11.2017 21:45:31 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[195] seq[65238]
22.11.2017 21:45:31 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[144] seq[65187]
22.11.2017 21:45:32 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[88] seq[65131]
22.11.2017 21:45:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','20.6')
22.11.2017 21:45:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.40')
22.11.2017 21:45:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.09')
22.11.2017 21:45:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.03')
22.11.2017 21:45:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','228')
22.11.2017 21:45:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','19536')
22.11.2017 21:45:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','99852')
22.11.2017 21:45:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:40 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[221] seq[65264]
22.11.2017 21:45:40 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[151] seq[65194]
22.11.2017 21:45:40 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[212] seq[65255]
22.11.2017 21:45:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','1.9')
22.11.2017 21:45:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.34')
22.11.2017 21:45:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.09')
22.11.2017 21:45:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.03')
22.11.2017 21:45:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','256')
22.11.2017 21:45:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','19536')
22.11.2017 21:45:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','105528')
22.11.2017 21:45:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:50 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[193] seq[65236]
22.11.2017 21:45:50 [516] RPC incoming connection(4) from fd(6)
22.11.2017 21:45:50 [516] RPC start incoming request(6)
22.11.2017 21:45:50 [516] process_bin_request(type:0,len:59,host:(null)) fd(6)
22.11.2017 21:45:50 [516] process_bin_request(init)
22.11.2017 21:45:50 [516] Request 2 init-S:( "xmlrpc_bin://" "1238" )
22.11.2017 21:45:50 [516] handle_requests() btype:0 'init' 'init' num:2
22.11.2017 21:45:50 [516] syslog: INIT 'xmlrpc_bin://' '1238'
22.11.2017 21:45:50 [516] finish_rpc(0) params:0 mc_offset:0
22.11.2017 21:45:50 [516] DUMP: 16 bytes - 0
22.11.2017 21:45:50 [516] 0000 - 42 69 6E 01 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 Bin.............
22.11.2017 21:45:50 [516] finish_rpc(0) retcode:0
22.11.2017 21:45:50 [516] done handle_request(0)
22.11.2017 21:45:50 [516] process_bin_request() done fd(6)!
22.11.2017 21:45:50 [516] RPC end incoming request(6) conn(open)
22.11.2017 21:45:50 [516] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[136] seq[65179]
22.11.2017 21:45:50 [516] RPC start incoming request(6)
22.11.2017 21:45:50 [516] RPC end incoming request(6) conn(closed)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] init_own_devices()
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] setup_known_ccudevices()
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] create index(66)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] POST /tclrega.exe HTTP/1.1
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] Connection: close
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] Host:
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] Content-Length: 169
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] 
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] string id;
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] foreach(id,root.Devices().EnumUsedIDs()){
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] object o=dom.GetObject(id);
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] if (o.Address().Find('CUX')==0) {
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] WriteLine(o.Address()#'\t'#o.Label());
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] }
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] }
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] id="DONE";
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] 
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] query_CCU_device_params():
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] HTTP/1.1 200 OK
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] Server: ise GmbH HTTP-Server v2.0
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] Accept-Ranges: bytes
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] Content-Type: text/xml
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] Content-Length: 129
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2017 21:45:51 GMT
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] Connection: close
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] 
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] <xml><exec>/tclrega.exe</exec><sessionId></sessionId><httpUserAgent></httpUserAgent><id>DONE</id><o>HM-RCV-50 BidCoS-RF</o></xml>
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] subscribe_to_ccu_events(2) [1]
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] finish_rpc(2) params:0 mc_offset:0
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] finish_rpc(2) - sendbinrpc() receiver not found!
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] finish_rpc(2) retcode:0
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] subscribe_to_ccu_events(3) [1]
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] finish_rpc(3) params:0 mc_offset:0
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] SPAWN RPC Bin....;....init............xm fd=6
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] finish_rpc(3) retcode:0
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] subscribe_to_ccu_events(4) [1]
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] finish_rpc(4) params:0 mc_offset:0
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] finish_rpc(4) - sendbinrpc() receiver not found!
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] finish_rpc(4) retcode:0
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] RPC incoming connection(4) from fd(7)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] RPC start incoming request(7)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] process_bin_request(type:0,len:38,host:(null)) fd(7)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] process_bin_request(system.listMethods)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] "rcux" handle_requests() btype:0 'system.listMethods' 'system.listMethods' num:1
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] finish_rpc(0) params:0 mc_offset:0
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] finish_rpc(0) retcode:0
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] done handle_request(0)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] process_bin_request() done fd(7)!
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] RPC end incoming request(7) conn(open)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] RPC start incoming request(7)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] RPC end incoming request(7) conn(closed)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] RPC incoming connection(4) from fd(7)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] RPC start incoming request(7)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] process_bin_request(type:0,len:31,host:(null)) fd(7)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] process_bin_request(listDevices)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] Request 1 listDevices-S:( "rcux" )
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] handle_requests() btype:0 'listDevices' 'listDevices' num:1
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] finish_rpc(0) params:0 mc_offset:0
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] finish_rpc(0) retcode:0
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] done handle_request(0)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] process_bin_request() done fd(7)!
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] RPC end incoming request(7) conn(open)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] RPC start incoming request(7)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] RPC end incoming request(7) conn(closed)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] RPC incoming connection(4) from fd(7)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] SPAWN finish fd=6
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] RPC start incoming request(7)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] process_bin_request(type:0,len:21034,host:(null)) fd(7)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] process_bin_request(newDevices)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] analyze() TAG(ARRAY) ???
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] Request 2 newDevices-S:( "rcux" )
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] handle_requests() btype:0 'newDevices' 'newDevices' num:2
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] done handle_request(0)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] process_bin_request() done fd(7)!
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] RPC end incoming request(7) conn(open)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] RPC start incoming request(7)
22.11.2017 21:45:51 [516] RPC end incoming request(7) conn(closed)
22.11.2017 21:45:52 [516] finish_rpc(1) params:0 mc_offset:0
22.11.2017 21:45:52 [516] SPAWN RPC Bin.........listDevices....... fd=6
22.11.2017 21:45:52 [516] finish_rpc(1) retcode:0
22.11.2017 21:45:52 [516] SPAWN finish fd=6
22.11.2017 21:45:52 [516] process_bin_request(type:1,len:8,host:(null)) fd(6)
22.11.2017 21:45:52 [516] process_bin_request() done fd(6)!
22.11.2017 21:45:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','0.8')
22.11.2017 21:45:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.29')
22.11.2017 21:45:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.09')
22.11.2017 21:45:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.03')
22.11.2017 21:45:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','257')
22.11.2017 21:45:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','21296')
22.11.2017 21:45:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:45:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','105880')
22.11.2017 21:45:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','0.3')
22.11.2017 21:46:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.24')
22.11.2017 21:46:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.08')
22.11.2017 21:46:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.03')
22.11.2017 21:46:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','256')
22.11.2017 21:46:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','21296')
22.11.2017 21:46:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','105724')
22.11.2017 21:46:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','0.5')
22.11.2017 21:46:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.20')
22.11.2017 21:46:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.08')
22.11.2017 21:46:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.02')
22.11.2017 21:46:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','256')
22.11.2017 21:46:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','21296')
22.11.2017 21:46:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','105968')
22.11.2017 21:46:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','0.6')
22.11.2017 21:46:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.17')
22.11.2017 21:46:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.08')
22.11.2017 21:46:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.02')
22.11.2017 21:46:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','248')
22.11.2017 21:46:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','21296')
22.11.2017 21:46:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','105988')
22.11.2017 21:46:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','0.5')
22.11.2017 21:46:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.15')
22.11.2017 21:46:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.07')
22.11.2017 21:46:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.02')
22.11.2017 21:46:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','232')
22.11.2017 21:46:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','21296')
22.11.2017 21:46:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','105712')
22.11.2017 21:46:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','0.4')
22.11.2017 21:46:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.12')
22.11.2017 21:46:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.07')
22.11.2017 21:46:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.02')
22.11.2017 21:46:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','232')
22.11.2017 21:46:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','21296')
22.11.2017 21:46:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','105836')
22.11.2017 21:46:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:52 [516] RPC incoming connection(4) from fd(6)
22.11.2017 21:46:52 [516] RPC start incoming request(6)
22.11.2017 21:46:52 [516] process_bin_request(type:0,len:26,host:(null)) fd(6)
22.11.2017 21:46:52 [516] process_bin_request(system.listMethods)
22.11.2017 21:46:52 [516] handle_requests() btype:0 'system.listMethods' 'system.listMethods' num:1
22.11.2017 21:46:52 [516] finish_rpc(0) params:0 mc_offset:0
22.11.2017 21:46:52 [516] finish_rpc(0) retcode:0
22.11.2017 21:46:52 [516] done handle_request(0)
22.11.2017 21:46:52 [516] process_bin_request() done fd(6)!
22.11.2017 21:46:52 [516] RPC end incoming request(6) conn(open)
22.11.2017 21:46:52 [516] RPC start incoming request(6)
22.11.2017 21:46:52 [516] RPC end incoming request(6) conn(closed)
22.11.2017 21:46:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','3.2')
22.11.2017 21:46:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.10')
22.11.2017 21:46:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.07')
22.11.2017 21:46:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.02')
22.11.2017 21:46:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','234')
22.11.2017 21:46:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','21296')
22.11.2017 21:46:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','107564')
22.11.2017 21:46:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:46:56 [516] process_http_request( method(1) url(/addons/cuxd/index.ccc?m=15&r=
22.11.2017 21:46:56 [516] process_get_request(,/addons/cuxd/index.ccc?m=15&r=,/addons/cuxd/index.ccc,6)
22.11.2017 21:47:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','0.7')
22.11.2017 21:47:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.09')
22.11.2017 21:47:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.07')
22.11.2017 21:47:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.02')
22.11.2017 21:47:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','232')
22.11.2017 21:47:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','21296')
22.11.2017 21:47:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','107364')
22.11.2017 21:47:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:11 [516] process_http_request( method(1) url(/addons/cuxd/index.ccc?m=30&r=
22.11.2017 21:47:11 [516] process_get_request(,/addons/cuxd/index.ccc?m=30&r=,/addons/cuxd/index.ccc,6)
22.11.2017 21:47:11 [516] syslog: dfu-device 'ATXMEGA128A3U' not supported!
22.11.2017 21:47:11 [516] 
22.11.2017 21:47:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','0.6')
22.11.2017 21:47:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.07')
22.11.2017 21:47:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.06')
22.11.2017 21:47:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.02')
22.11.2017 21:47:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','232')
22.11.2017 21:47:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','21296')
22.11.2017 21:47:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','107248')
22.11.2017 21:47:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','0.5')
22.11.2017 21:47:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.06')
22.11.2017 21:47:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.06')
22.11.2017 21:47:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.02')
22.11.2017 21:47:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','233')
22.11.2017 21:47:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','21296')
22.11.2017 21:47:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','106992')
22.11.2017 21:47:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:24 [516] RPC incoming connection(4) from fd(6)
22.11.2017 21:47:24 [516] RPC start incoming request(6)
22.11.2017 21:47:24 [516] process_bin_request(type:0,len:26,host:(null)) fd(6)
22.11.2017 21:47:24 [516] process_bin_request(system.listMethods)
22.11.2017 21:47:24 [516] handle_requests() btype:0 'system.listMethods' 'system.listMethods' num:1
22.11.2017 21:47:24 [516] finish_rpc(0) params:0 mc_offset:0
22.11.2017 21:47:24 [516] finish_rpc(0) retcode:0
22.11.2017 21:47:24 [516] done handle_request(0)
22.11.2017 21:47:24 [516] process_bin_request() done fd(6)!
22.11.2017 21:47:24 [516] RPC end incoming request(6) conn(open)
22.11.2017 21:47:24 [516] RPC start incoming request(6)
22.11.2017 21:47:24 [516] RPC end incoming request(6) conn(closed)
22.11.2017 21:47:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','1.3')
22.11.2017 21:47:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.05')
22.11.2017 21:47:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.06')
22.11.2017 21:47:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.02')
22.11.2017 21:47:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','232')
22.11.2017 21:47:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','21296')
22.11.2017 21:47:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','107892')
22.11.2017 21:47:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','0.4')
22.11.2017 21:47:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.04')
22.11.2017 21:47:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.06')
22.11.2017 21:47:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.02')
22.11.2017 21:47:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','232')
22.11.2017 21:47:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','21296')
22.11.2017 21:47:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','107856')
22.11.2017 21:47:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','0.6')
22.11.2017 21:47:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.04')
22.11.2017 21:47:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.05')
22.11.2017 21:47:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.01')
22.11.2017 21:47:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','233')
22.11.2017 21:47:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','21296')
22.11.2017 21:47:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','107728')
22.11.2017 21:47:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:47:55 [516] RPC incoming connection(4) from fd(6)
22.11.2017 21:47:55 [516] RPC start incoming request(6)
22.11.2017 21:47:55 [516] process_bin_request(type:0,len:26,host:(null)) fd(6)
22.11.2017 21:47:55 [516] process_bin_request(system.listMethods)
22.11.2017 21:47:55 [516] handle_requests() btype:0 'system.listMethods' 'system.listMethods' num:1
22.11.2017 21:47:55 [516] finish_rpc(0) params:0 mc_offset:0
22.11.2017 21:47:55 [516] finish_rpc(0) retcode:0
22.11.2017 21:47:55 [516] done handle_request(0)
22.11.2017 21:47:55 [516] process_bin_request() done fd(6)!
22.11.2017 21:47:55 [516] RPC end incoming request(6) conn(open)
22.11.2017 21:47:55 [516] RPC start incoming request(6)
22.11.2017 21:47:55 [516] RPC end incoming request(6) conn(closed)
22.11.2017 21:48:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','1.2')
22.11.2017 21:48:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.03')
22.11.2017 21:48:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.05')
22.11.2017 21:48:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.01')
22.11.2017 21:48:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','232')
22.11.2017 21:48:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','21296')
22.11.2017 21:48:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','107856')
22.11.2017 21:48:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','0.4')
22.11.2017 21:48:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.02')
22.11.2017 21:48:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.05')
22.11.2017 21:48:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.01')
22.11.2017 21:48:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','231')
22.11.2017 21:48:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','21296')
22.11.2017 21:48:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','107912')
22.11.2017 21:48:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','0.6')
22.11.2017 21:48:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.02')
22.11.2017 21:48:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.05')
22.11.2017 21:48:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.01')
22.11.2017 21:48:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','232')
22.11.2017 21:48:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','21296')
22.11.2017 21:48:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','107868')
22.11.2017 21:48:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:26 [516] RPC incoming connection(4) from fd(6)
22.11.2017 21:48:26 [516] RPC start incoming request(6)
22.11.2017 21:48:26 [516] process_bin_request(type:0,len:26,host:(null)) fd(6)
22.11.2017 21:48:26 [516] process_bin_request(system.listMethods)
22.11.2017 21:48:26 [516] handle_requests() btype:0 'system.listMethods' 'system.listMethods' num:1
22.11.2017 21:48:26 [516] finish_rpc(0) params:0 mc_offset:0
22.11.2017 21:48:26 [516] finish_rpc(0) retcode:0
22.11.2017 21:48:26 [516] done handle_request(0)
22.11.2017 21:48:26 [516] process_bin_request() done fd(6)!
22.11.2017 21:48:26 [516] RPC end incoming request(6) conn(open)
22.11.2017 21:48:26 [516] RPC start incoming request(6)
22.11.2017 21:48:26 [516] RPC end incoming request(6) conn(closed)
22.11.2017 21:48:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','1.3')
22.11.2017 21:48:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.02')
22.11.2017 21:48:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.05')
22.11.2017 21:48:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.01')
22.11.2017 21:48:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','231')
22.11.2017 21:48:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','21296')
22.11.2017 21:48:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','107208')
22.11.2017 21:48:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','0.4')
22.11.2017 21:48:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.01')
22.11.2017 21:48:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.04')
22.11.2017 21:48:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.01')
22.11.2017 21:48:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','231')
22.11.2017 21:48:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','21296')
22.11.2017 21:48:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:43 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','107340')
22.11.2017 21:48:43 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','0.4')
22.11.2017 21:48:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.01')
22.11.2017 21:48:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.04')
22.11.2017 21:48:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.01')
22.11.2017 21:48:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','231')
22.11.2017 21:48:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','21296')
22.11.2017 21:48:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:53 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','107464')
22.11.2017 21:48:53 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:48:57 [516] RPC incoming connection(4) from fd(6)
22.11.2017 21:48:57 [516] RPC start incoming request(6)
22.11.2017 21:48:57 [516] process_bin_request(type:0,len:26,host:(null)) fd(6)
22.11.2017 21:48:57 [516] process_bin_request(system.listMethods)
22.11.2017 21:48:57 [516] handle_requests() btype:0 'system.listMethods' 'system.listMethods' num:1
22.11.2017 21:48:57 [516] finish_rpc(0) params:0 mc_offset:0
22.11.2017 21:48:57 [516] finish_rpc(0) retcode:0
22.11.2017 21:48:57 [516] done handle_request(0)
22.11.2017 21:48:57 [516] process_bin_request() done fd(6)!
22.11.2017 21:48:57 [516] RPC end incoming request(6) conn(open)
22.11.2017 21:48:57 [516] RPC start incoming request(6)
22.11.2017 21:48:57 [516] RPC end incoming request(6) conn(closed)
22.11.2017 21:49:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','1.5')
22.11.2017 21:49:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.01')
22.11.2017 21:49:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.04')
22.11.2017 21:49:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.01')
22.11.2017 21:49:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','232')
22.11.2017 21:49:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','21296')
22.11.2017 21:49:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:03 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','107420')
22.11.2017 21:49:03 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','0.4')
22.11.2017 21:49:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.01')
22.11.2017 21:49:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.04')
22.11.2017 21:49:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.01')
22.11.2017 21:49:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','232')
22.11.2017 21:49:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','21296')
22.11.2017 21:49:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:13 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','107756')
22.11.2017 21:49:13 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:14 [516] process_http_request( method(1) url(/addons/cuxd/index.ccc?m=15&r=
22.11.2017 21:49:14 [516] process_get_request(,/addons/cuxd/index.ccc?m=15&r=,/addons/cuxd/index.ccc,6)
22.11.2017 21:49:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','0.3')
22.11.2017 21:49:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.01')
22.11.2017 21:49:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.04')
22.11.2017 21:49:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.01')
22.11.2017 21:49:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','231')
22.11.2017 21:49:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','21296')
22.11.2017 21:49:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:23 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','107608')
22.11.2017 21:49:23 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:27 [516] RPC incoming connection(4) from fd(6)
22.11.2017 21:49:27 [516] RPC start incoming request(6)
22.11.2017 21:49:27 [516] process_bin_request(type:0,len:26,host:(null)) fd(6)
22.11.2017 21:49:27 [516] process_bin_request(system.listMethods)
22.11.2017 21:49:27 [516] handle_requests() btype:0 'system.listMethods' 'system.listMethods' num:1
22.11.2017 21:49:27 [516] finish_rpc(0) params:0 mc_offset:0
22.11.2017 21:49:27 [516] finish_rpc(0) retcode:0
22.11.2017 21:49:27 [516] done handle_request(0)
22.11.2017 21:49:27 [516] process_bin_request() done fd(6)!
22.11.2017 21:49:27 [516] RPC end incoming request(6) conn(open)
22.11.2017 21:49:27 [516] RPC start incoming request(6)
22.11.2017 21:49:27 [516] RPC end incoming request(6) conn(closed)
22.11.2017 21:49:31 [516] process_http_request( method(1) url(/addons/cuxd/index.ccc?m=30&r=
22.11.2017 21:49:31 [516] process_get_request(,/addons/cuxd/index.ccc?m=30&r=,/addons/cuxd/index.ccc,6)
22.11.2017 21:49:31 [516] syslog: dfu-device 'ATXMEGA128A3U' not supported!
22.11.2017 21:49:31 [516] 
22.11.2017 21:49:32 [516] process_http_request( method(1) url(/addons/cuxd/index.ccc?m=15&r=
22.11.2017 21:49:32 [516] process_get_request(,/addons/cuxd/index.ccc?m=15&r=,/addons/cuxd/index.ccc,6)
22.11.2017 21:49:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CPU10','1.6')
22.11.2017 21:49:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG1M','0.00')
22.11.2017 21:49:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG5M','0.03')
22.11.2017 21:49:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.LAVG15M','0.00')
22.11.2017 21:49:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.PROCS','234')
22.11.2017 21:49:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.CUXDMEM','21296')
22.11.2017 21:49:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done
22.11.2017 21:49:33 [516] check_subscribed_device('CUX-SYSTEM:0.MEMUSED','107656')
22.11.2017 21:49:33 [516] check_subscribed_device() done

Vorher sah das übrigens so aus:

Code: Alles auswählen

09:31:13 [ttyACM0] *** connect(57600:8N1) PIGATOR4P
09:31:13 [ttyACM0] *** Slot: 1 Module: CSM868 @ 38400 baud
09:31:13 [ttyACM0] *** disconnect PIGATOR4P
09:31:13 [ttyACM1] *** connect(57600:8N1) PIGATOR4P
09:31:13 [ttyACM1] *** Slot: 2 Module:  @ 57600 baud
09:31:13 [ttyACM2] *** connect(57600:8N1) PIGATOR4P
09:31:14 [ttyACM2] *** Slot: 3 Module:  @ 57600 baud
09:31:14 [ttyACM3] *** connect(57600:8N1) PIGATOR4P
09:31:14 [ttyACM3] *** Slot: 4 Module:  @ 57600 baud
09:31:29 [ttyACM0] *** connect(57600:8N1) PIGATOR4P
09:31:29 [ttyACM0] <-- V
09:31:29 [ttyACM0] --> V 1.66 CSM868
09:31:29 [ttyACM0] <-- X21
09:31:29 [ttyACM0] <-- T01
09:31:29 [ttyACM0] --> 0000
09:31:52 [ttyACM0] <-- FD8B0AB11

Code: Alles auswählen

19.11.2017 09:31:13 [503] ***ADDCON*** 1-1.3:ttyACM0:3 (c1031,i0000 - 57600:8N1)
19.11.2017 09:31:13 [503] ***ADDCON*** 1-1.3+2:ttyACM1:3 (c1031,i0000 - 57600:8N1)
19.11.2017 09:31:13 [503] ***ADDCON*** 1-1.3+4:ttyACM2:3 (c1031,i0000 - 57600:8N1)
19.11.2017 09:31:13 [503] ***ADDCON*** 1-1.3+6:ttyACM3:3 (c1031,i0000 - 57600:8N1)
19.11.2017 09:31:13 [503] ***ADDCON*** 1-1.1::0 (c003D,i0000 - 9600:8N1)
19.11.2017 09:31:13 [503] ***ADDCON*** 1-1::0 (c003D,i0000 - 9600:8N1)
19.11.2017 09:31:13 [503] USB(1-1.3/ttyACM0) connectserial
19.11.2017 09:31:13 [503] syslog: USB(1-1.3/ttyACM0) PIGATOR4P connect(57600:8N1)
19.11.2017 09:31:13 [503] USB(1-1.3/ttyACM0) fd(6) sendbreak(0)
19.11.2017 09:31:13 [503] syslog: USB(1-1.3/ttyACM0) found Slot: 1 Module: CSM868 @ 38400 baud
19.11.2017 09:31:13 [503] disconnect 'ttyACM0' idle(0)
19.11.2017 09:31:13 [503] syslog: USB(1-1.3/ttyACM0) PIGATOR4P disconnect
19.11.2017 09:31:13 [503] disconnect 'ttyACM0' idle(0) done
19.11.2017 09:31:13 [503] USB(1-1.3+2/ttyACM1) connectserial
19.11.2017 09:31:13 [503] syslog: USB(1-1.3+2/ttyACM1) PIGATOR4P connect(57600:8N1)
19.11.2017 09:31:13 [503] USB(1-1.3+2/ttyACM1) fd(6) sendbreak(0)
19.11.2017 09:31:13 [503] syslog: USB(1-1.3+2/ttyACM1) found Slot: 2 Module:  @ 57600 baud
19.11.2017 09:31:13 [503] USB(1-1.3+2/ttyACM1) fd(6) next(20ms)
19.11.2017 09:31:13 [503] USB(1-1.3+4/ttyACM2) connectserial
19.11.2017 09:31:13 [503] syslog: USB(1-1.3+4/ttyACM2) PIGATOR4P connect(57600:8N1)
19.11.2017 09:31:14 [503] USB(1-1.3+4/ttyACM2) fd(7) sendbreak(0)
19.11.2017 09:31:14 [503] syslog: USB(1-1.3+4/ttyACM2) found Slot: 3 Module:  @ 57600 baud
19.11.2017 09:31:14 [503] USB(1-1.3+4/ttyACM2) fd(7) next(20ms)
19.11.2017 09:31:14 [503] USB(1-1.3+6/ttyACM3) connectserial
19.11.2017 09:31:14 [503] syslog: USB(1-1.3+6/ttyACM3) PIGATOR4P connect(57600:8N1)
19.11.2017 09:31:14 [503] USB(1-1.3+6/ttyACM3) fd(8) sendbreak(0)
19.11.2017 09:31:14 [503] syslog: USB(1-1.3+6/ttyACM3) found Slot: 4 Module:  @ 57600 baud
19.11.2017 09:31:14 [503] USB(1-1.3+6/ttyACM3) fd(8) next(20ms)
19.11.2017 09:31:14 [503] save_current_paramsets(0)
19.11.2017 09:31:16 [503] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[52] seq[65095]
19.11.2017 09:31:27 [503] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[90] seq[65133]
19.11.2017 09:31:27 [503] ICMP type(3) code(3) from [] id[141] seq[65184]
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] ***ADDCON*** 1-1.3:ttyACM0:3 (c1031,i0000 - 57600:8N1)
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] USB(1-1.3/ttyACM0) connectserial
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] syslog: USB(1-1.3/ttyACM0) PIGATOR4P connect(57600:8N1)
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] write_serial_str(1-1.3/ttyACM0) 'X00'
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] USB(1-1.3/ttyACM0) fd(9) write(5) 'X00'
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] write_serial_str() done
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] send_cux_command(X00) (5)
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] write_serial_str(1-1.3/ttyACM0) 'V'
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] USB(1-1.3/ttyACM0) fd(9) write(3) 'V'
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] write_serial_str() done
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] send_cux_command(V) (3)
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] USB(1-1.3/ttyACM0) fd(9) drop(30ms) (1) 'V 1.66 CSM868'
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] USB(1-1.3/ttyACM0) fd(9) next(60ms)
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] write_serial_str(1-1.3/ttyACM0) 'VH'
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] USB(1-1.3/ttyACM0) fd(9) write(4) 'VH'
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] write_serial_str() done
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] send_cux_command(VH) (4)
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] USB(1-1.3/ttyACM0) fd(9) read(30ms) 'V 1.66 CSM868'
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] write_serial_str(1-1.3/ttyACM0) 'V'
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] USB(1-1.3/ttyACM0) fd(9) write(3) 'V'
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] TRXcu [ttyACM0] <-- V
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] write_serial_str() done
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] send_cux_command(V) (3)
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] USB(1-1.3/ttyACM0) fd(9) process
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] USB(1-1.3/ttyACM0) fd(9) process
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] USB(1-1.3/ttyACM0) fd(9) len(14:13) 'V 1.66 CSM868'
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] TRXcu [ttyACM0] --> V 1.66 CSM868
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] write_serial_str(1-1.3/ttyACM0) 'X21'
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] USB(1-1.3/ttyACM0) fd(9) write(5) 'X21'
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] TRXcu [ttyACM0] <-- X21
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] write_serial_str() done
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] send_cux_command(X21) (5)
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] write_serial_str(1-1.3/ttyACM0) 'T01'
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] USB(1-1.3/ttyACM0) fd(9) write(5) 'T01'
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] TRXcu [ttyACM0] <-- T01
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] write_serial_str() done
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] send_cux_command(T01) (5)
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] USB(1-1.3/ttyACM0) fd(9) process
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] USB(1-1.3/ttyACM0) fd(9) len(5:4) '0000'
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] usb->request(0048) fht80housecode(0000)
19.11.2017 09:31:29 [503] TRXcu [ttyACM0] --> 0000
Hat da wer eine Idee?
Wäre für jeden Hinweis dankbar!

Bis dann,
Zuletzt geändert von skohls am 23.11.2017, 07:16, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 4820
Registriert: 26.02.2011, 22:22
Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 246 Mal

Re: Multi Gateway mit FS-20 Modul wird nicht mehr erkannt

Beitrag von uwe111 » 22.11.2017, 22:50

Hallo Stephan,

Wenn die Meldung nicht weg geht nachdem Du das USB-Kabel vom Multigateway entfernt und wieder mit der CCU verbunden hast, dann hilft m.E. nur ein erneutes Aufspielden der Firmware auf das Multigateway.

Viele Grüße

Alle sagten: Das geht nicht. Dann kam einer, der wußte das nicht und hat's einfach gemacht.
SPENDEN :wink: Download: CUxD 2.11, SSH KeyDir

Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 18.11.2017, 14:11
Hat sich bedankt: 1 Mal

Re: Multi Gateway mit FS-20 Modul wird nicht mehr erkannt

Beitrag von skohls » 22.11.2017, 22:58

Hallo Uwe,

danke für die schnelle Rückmeldung.

Leider geht die Meldung nicht weg - ich hab das Ganze jetzt schon diverse Male getrennt und wieder verbunden, durchgestartet etc.

Ich hab parallel mal Herrn Pniok von PioTek-Smarthome angeschrieben - da hab ich das Multigateway vor kurzem ja erst gekauft - weil eine Firmware zum aufspielen hab ich natürlich auch keine...
Oder gibt es die irgendwo als Download? Google hat da bisher nichts hilfreiches gefunden.

Bis dann,

Beiträge: 6
Registriert: 18.11.2017, 14:11
Hat sich bedankt: 1 Mal

Re: Multi Gateway mit FS-20 Modul wird nicht mehr erkannt

Beitrag von skohls » 23.11.2017, 06:56

OK, gelöst!

Herr Pniok hat mir den FW-Verlust bestätigt und mich auf verwiesen.
Dort gibt es die Firmware als als HEX-Datei, passend für den DFU.

Dann hab ich nach dieser Anleitung weiter gearbeitet.

Erst die Firmware auf den Pi geladen...

Code: Alles auswählen

# curl -k "
l.hex" -o atxmega128a3u.hex
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 35187  100 35187    0     0  35187      0  0:00:01 --:--:--  0:00:01  183k
Dann das Multigateway, während der winzige Taster an der Rückseite gedrückt wird, eingestöpselt.
CUxD zeigt seine Fehlermeldung wie oben...

Dann mittels dfu-programmer im cuxd-addon-Verzeichnis:

Code: Alles auswählen

# ./dfu-programmer ATXMEGA128A3U erase
Checking memory from 0x0 to 0x1FFFF...  Not blank at 0x201.
Erasing flash...  Success
Checking memory from 0x0 to 0x1FFFF...  Empty.

# ./dfu-programmer ATXMEGA128A3U flash --debug 1 dfu/atxmega128a3u.hex 
Checking memory from 0x0 to 0x31FF...  Empty.
0%                            100%  Programming 0x3200 bytes...
[>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>]  Success
0%                            100%  Reading 0x20000 bytes...
[>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>]  Success
Validating...  Success
0x3200 bytes written into 0x20000 bytes memory (9.77%).
Wieder abgestöpselt, gewartet, angestöpselt und den Status vom CUxD aktualisiert...

Code: Alles auswählen

USB 1-1 - (9514) [HUB] - Thu Nov 23 06:29:52 2017
  USB 1-1.1 - (ec00) [FF] - no driver - Thu Nov 23 06:29:52 2017
  USB 1-1.3 - {CUX} PIGATOR4P [COMM] - /dev/ttyACM0 {:180s} - V 1.66 CSM868 - Thu Nov 23 06:48:32 2017
  USB 1-1.3+2 - {NONE} PIGATOR4P [COMM] - /dev/ttyACM1 {:391s} - connected - Thu Nov 23 06:48:16 2017
  USB 1-1.3+4 - {NONE} PIGATOR4P [COMM] - /dev/ttyACM2 {:391s} - connected - Thu Nov 23 06:48:16 2017
  USB 1-1.3+6 - {NONE} PIGATOR4P [COMM] - /dev/ttyACM3 {:391s} - connected - Thu Nov 23 06:48:16 2017
Jetzt mal schauen ob sich das wiederholt oder ob es stabil bleibt...


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