Unable to make dual tempsensor STE2 control valves on HmIP

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Unable to make dual tempsensor STE2 control valves on HmIP

Beitrag von darne » 14.08.2024, 21:11

Got a HmIP-HAP and a underfloorheating control (HmIP-FALMOT-C12) that works great.

Now i want to use the underfloorwater to heat the HVAC incoming air thru a radiator and for that i bought the HmIP-STE2-PCD.

The problem is that the HmIP-STE2-PCD only shows up as a weather and environment device and then it isn't possible to control the valve.

Is there a way to make the HmIP-STE2-PCD act as a regular tempsensor instead?

Thanx in advance

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Registriert: 04.02.2015, 02:15
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Re: Unable to make dual tempsensor STE2 control valves on HmIP

Beitrag von Bembi » 16.08.2024, 01:19

Hi Dan,

The Falmot-C12 has connection channels either for the wall mouted thermostates (HmIP-WTH / STH etc.) as well as for the radiator thermostates (HmIP eTRV etc.). Beside this, there are additional sending channels for controlling an heating pump, dehumidifier or a water boiler (which can drive an Actor), als well as one channel for a receiving connection to a HmIP-MIOB.

As these channels are dedicated to the complexity of their counterparts (like a temperature controller), the HmIP-STE2-PCD is not capable to act as an interface for the valves control.

With a local CCU3 you would be able to realize this by a script and work around all predefined connection options. With the Access Point (HAP), you do not have this option. So in this case, if you want to use the FALMOT ventile to control the water for the HVAC, you need a fitting temperature controller (HmIP-WTH in my mind).

The other option is, to use water from the underfloorheating water directly for the HVAC and control the HVAC by its own temperature control. How you can involve HmIP into this depends a little bit from the capabilities of the HVAC device.
1 x CCU3 mit aktuell 37 Geräten und 343 Kanälen (HM, HmIP, HmIPW)
1 x CCU3 mit aktuell 65 Geräten und 605 Kanälen (HM, HmIP, HmIPW)
2 x CCU2 und einen Schrank voll mit Restbeständen, 13,5 KWp auf dem Dach mit Solaredge WR, Waterkotte WP über ModBus


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