PI2 als Lan-Gateway - Absturz erkennen

Einrichtung, Nutzung und Hilfe zu RaspberryMatic (OCCU auf Raspberry Pi)

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PI2 als Lan-Gateway - Absturz erkennen

Beitrag von sissiwup » 06.01.2018, 15:31


ich habe den PI mit Aufsteck-Funk-Modul zum laufen bekommen.
Es hat alles wunderbar funktioniert. Drei tage ist es gelaufen, dann
war auf einmal der Status nicht mehr verbunden.

Neustart des PI´s hat alles behoben. (Habe sonst noch die CCU2 und ein "echtes" Gateway).

Wie kann ich auf dem PI-Gateway feststellen, was schief war?

Kann ich das Log an meinen Logserver senden lassen? So scheint er ja nichts aufzuheben?

Kann ich so etwas wie einen Hardwarewächter installieren, so dass er automatisch rebootet?

Der PI war noch normal am laufen, ich konnte per ssh mich einloggen. Es liefen auch einige Prozesse.



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Registriert: 10.09.2015, 13:06
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Re: PI2 als Lan-Gateway - Absturz erkennen

Beitrag von Joetra » 07.01.2018, 12:02

Hallo sissiwup,

ich habe die Erfahrung machen müssen, dass ein "Mischbetrieb" von Original-CCU/Gateway mit Raspi-CCU/Gateway nicht so richtig funktionierte. Erst nachdem ich alles (CCU und Gateway) duch Raspi-Komponenten (natürlich mit externer Antenne) ersetzt hatte, klappte alles wieder.
Lediglich die Drehgriffkontakte machen mir seit der Umstellung sorgen - mal gehen sie, mal gehen sie nicht. Die haben mit den Originalteilen besser harmoniert.

Viele Grüße


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Registriert: 10.03.2015, 10:54
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Re: PI2 als Lan-Gateway - Absturz erkennen

Beitrag von sissiwup » 08.01.2018, 22:09

Hmmm, das ist Schade. Hatte gedacht käme so an ein billiges Gateway.
Die PI´s habe ich alle ausrangiert, da zu langsam. Aber für ein Gateway dachte ich wäre es ausreichend.

Würde ungern meine CCU2 gegen einen PI oder ähnliches tauschen, da diese doch super stabil ist.
Da ich auch bei der CCU2 die Antenne getauscht habe, würde ich ohne Gateways auskommen,
habe aber vielen von diesen kleinen 8-Kanal-Funkbriefmarken in Einsatz und die nuckeln halt ganz schön am DutyCycle.
Wenn ich die alle durch Strombetriebene Komponenten ersetzen würde, wären das Locker nochmal 800 Euro.
Ich nutze die Teile um Lampen, Teich etc zu steuern, also alles was unkritisch ist.

Ohne Gateways habe ich einen DC von 30-50 in der Spitze, mit von max. 20.



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Re: PI2 als Lan-Gateway - Absturz erkennen

Beitrag von Gluehwurm » 08.01.2018, 22:36

Joetra hat geschrieben:Lediglich die Drehgriffkontakte machen mir seit der Umstellung sorgen
Drüberlernen, alternativ ab- und wieder anlernen


Beiträge: 7151
Registriert: 31.12.2006, 15:18
System: Alternative CCU (auf Basis OCCU)
Wohnort: Rhein-Main
Danksagung erhalten: 34 Mal

Re: PI2 als Lan-Gateway - Absturz erkennen

Beitrag von Familienvater » 08.01.2018, 23:38

sissiwup hat geschrieben:Da ich auch bei der CCU2 die Antenne getauscht habe, würde ich ohne Gateways auskommen,
habe aber vielen von diesen kleinen 8-Kanal-Funkbriefmarken in Einsatz und die nuckeln halt ganz schön am DutyCycle.
Es ist ja nicht so, das dies nicht im Vorfeld bekannt gewesen wäre. Ich kenne keine konkreten Zahlen, aber ich würde einfach mal mit einem HmIP-8fach Bausatz testen, der ist angeblich "Pinkompatibel", und der ist nicht für Batteriebetrieb ausgelegt, braucht also kein Wakeup-Burst und spart damit (theoretisch) richtig Sendezeit, allerdings kann der theoretisch fürchterlich falsch konfiguriert werden, und braucht dann evtl. "immer" Sendezeit (weil der alle 2-3 Min seinen Status melden könnte, und ich bei HmIP nicht weiß, ob das Quittungspflichtig ist). Und wenn ich Dinge wie "Teich" lese, könnte die Eigenintelligenz des Aktors evtl. auch interessant sein, und der könnte per Wochenprogramm ganz von alleine von Sonnenauf- bis Sonnenuntergang schalten, auch noch mit Späßchen wie nicht vor 7 Uhr, und max. bis 21 Uhr. Und dank 3 virtueller Kanäle pro Ausgang kann man auch noch "sonstwas" für Logiken implementieren.

Das einzige, was "gegen" den HmIP-8fach in HM-Umgebungen spricht: Keine DVs mit HM-Geräten möglich.

Der Familienvater

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Registriert: 04.11.2017, 23:05
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Re: PI2 als Lan-Gateway - Absturz erkennen

Beitrag von zabiwa » 09.01.2018, 12:24

Joetra hat geschrieben:Hallo sissiwup,

ich habe die Erfahrung machen müssen, dass ein "Mischbetrieb" von Original-CCU/Gateway mit Raspi-CCU/Gateway nicht so richtig funktionierte. [...]
Viele Grüße

Hallo Jörg,

was für Probleme traten bei Dir auf? Bei mir läuft der "Mischbetrieb" (RaspberryMatic + "Original"-Lan-Funk-Gateway) bisher reibungslos. Allerdings auch erst seit kurzer Zeit...

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Registriert: 10.03.2015, 10:54
Wohnort: Süd NDS
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Re: PI2 als Lan-Gateway - Absturz erkennen

Beitrag von sissiwup » 09.01.2018, 20:48

Familienvater hat geschrieben:Hi,
sissiwup hat geschrieben:Da ich auch bei der CCU2 die Antenne getauscht habe, würde ich ohne Gateways auskommen,
habe aber vielen von diesen kleinen 8-Kanal-Funkbriefmarken in Einsatz und die nuckeln halt ganz schön am DutyCycle.
Es ist ja nicht so, das dies nicht im Vorfeld bekannt gewesen wäre. Ich kenne keine konkreten Zahlen, aber ich würde einfach mal mit einem HmIP-8fach Bausatz testen, der ist angeblich "Pinkompatibel", und der ist nicht für Batteriebetrieb ausgelegt, braucht also kein Wakeup-Burst und spart damit (theoretisch) richtig Sendezeit, allerdings kann der theoretisch fürchterlich falsch konfiguriert werden, und braucht dann evtl. "immer" Sendezeit (weil der alle 2-3 Min seinen Status melden könnte, und ich bei HmIP nicht weiß, ob das Quittungspflichtig ist). Und wenn ich Dinge wie "Teich" lese, könnte die Eigenintelligenz des Aktors evtl. auch interessant sein, und der könnte per Wochenprogramm ganz von alleine von Sonnenauf- bis Sonnenuntergang schalten, auch noch mit Späßchen wie nicht vor 7 Uhr, und max. bis 21 Uhr. Und dank 3 virtueller Kanäle pro Ausgang kann man auch noch "sonstwas" für Logiken implementieren.

Das einzige, was "gegen" den HmIP-8fach in HM-Umgebungen spricht: Keine DVs mit HM-Geräten möglich.

Der Familienvater

das ist doch mal eine gute Idee. Dann könnte ich das std-Verhalten Programmieren und bräuchte noch weniger Eingriffe von Außen.
Der einzige Nachteil ist keine Direktverknüpfungen und nicht über Gateway und Repeater ansprechbar, oder?



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Registriert: 10.03.2015, 10:54
Wohnort: Süd NDS
Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 8 Mal

Re: PI2 als Lan-Gateway - Absturz erkennen

Beitrag von sissiwup » 10.01.2018, 20:20

Nochmal zum ursprünglichen Thema,
das Teil reagiert wieder nicht mehr.
Ich komme per ssh drauf

Code: Alles auswählen

Mem: 51120K used, 898476K free, 320K shrd, 4984K buff, 16532K cached
CPU:   0% usr   0% sys   0% nic  99% idle   0% io   0% irq   0% sirq
Load average: 0.00 0.00 0.00 2/111 2495
  490     1 root     S     6568   1%   0% /usr/sbin/snmpd -Lsd -Lf /dev/null -c /etc/config/snmp/snmpd.conf -I -smux mteTrigger mteTriggerConf -p /run/
 2494  2473 root     R     3064   0%   0% top
  498     1 root     S    18452   2%   0% /bin/hmlangw -n OEQ0608058 -s /dev/ttyAMA0 -r -1
  396     1 root     S     7136   1%   0% /usr/sbin/ntpd -g 0.de.pool.ntp.org 1.de.pool.ntp.org 2.de.pool.ntp.org 3.de.pool.ntp.org
  262     1 root     S     5480   1%   0% /usr/sbin/irqbalance
 2471   432 root     S     4700   0%   0% sshd: root@pts/0
  432     1 root     S     4700   0%   0% /usr/sbin/sshd
  222     1 root     S     4076   0%   0% /sbin/udevd -d
  419     1 root     S     4000   0%   0% /bin/eq3configd
  422     1 root     S     3976   0%   0% /bin/ssdpd
  206     1 root     S     3064   0%   0% /usr/sbin/crond -f
 2473  2471 root     S     3064   0%   0% -sh
  103     1 root     S     2956   0%   0% /usr/bin/psplash -n
    1     0 root     S     2936   0%   0% init
  213     1 root     S     2936   0%   0% /sbin/syslogd -n -m 0
  216     1 root     S     2936   0%   0% /sbin/klogd -n
  531     1 root     S     2936   0%   0% init
  286     1 dbus     S     2844   0%   0% dbus-daemon --system
  269     1 root     S     2804   0%   0% watchdog -t 5 /dev/watchdog
  387     1 root     S     1816   0%   0% /usr/sbin/ifplugd -i eth0 -fI -u0 -d10
  276     1 root     S     1712   0%   0% /usr/sbin/rngd
    7     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [rcu_preempt]
    3     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [ksoftirqd/0]
 1694     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [kworker/u8:0]
  249     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [kworker/1:2]
 2321     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [kworker/u8:1]
   30     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [khungtaskd]
   87     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [kworker/2:1]
 2476     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [kworker/0:0]
 2470     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [kworker/0:2]
    2     0 root     SW       0   0%   0% [kthreadd]
   89     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [mmcqd/0]
 2495     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [kworker/0:1]
  100     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [kworker/3:1]
   14     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [migration/1]
   10     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [migration/0]
   19     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [migration/2]
   24     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [migration/3]
    5     2 root     SW<      0   0%   0% [kworker/0:0H]
    8     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [rcu_sched]
    9     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [rcu_bh]
   11     2 root     SW<      0   0%   0% [lru-add-drain]
   12     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [cpuhp/0]
   13     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [cpuhp/1]
   15     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [ksoftirqd/1]
   17     2 root     SW<      0   0%   0% [kworker/1:0H]
   18     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [cpuhp/2]
   20     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [ksoftirqd/2]
   21     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [kworker/2:0]
   22     2 root     SW<      0   0%   0% [kworker/2:0H]
   23     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [cpuhp/3]
   25     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [ksoftirqd/3]
   26     2 root     SW       0   0%   0% [kworker/3:0]
   27     2 root     SW<      0   0%   0% [kworker/3:0H]
Es laufen auch einige Prozesse. Wie kann ich sehen, das die Verbindung zum CCu2 nicht mehr da ist?

Code: Alles auswählen

 more hm_mode

Code: Alles auswählen

# cd status
# ls -al
total 0
drwxrwxr-x    2 root     root           160 Jan  6 15:19 .
drwxrwxr-x   14 root     root           380 Jan  6 15:19 ..
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             0 Jan  1  1970 SDinitialised
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             0 Jan  1  1970 hasIP
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             0 Jan  1  1970 hasInternet
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             0 Jan  1  1970 hasLink
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             0 Jan  6 15:19 hasNTP
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             0 Jan  1  1970 hasSD
Hier der Log der CCU2 zum kritischen Zeitpunkt:

Code: Alles auswählen

"Today 17:19:55","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:19:54","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:19:54","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:19:54","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:19:54","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:19:52","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:19:47","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," (NEQ1694131) CCU2CommController::handleIncomingSerialFrame(): Dropped message, cuz handling of non-response msg is not implemented yet.#012Payload is: "
"Today 17:19:46","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:19:46","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:19:46","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:19:46","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() true Put failed"
"Today 17:19:46","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() true Put failed"
"Today 17:19:45","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:19:45","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::SendData(): Send error"
"Today 17:19:45","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() true Put failed"
"Today 17:19:45","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:19:45","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::SendData(): Send error"
"Today 17:19:45","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:19:44","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:19:40","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 5682351(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:19:38","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 5528705(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:19:37","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 3865778(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:19:37","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," UnifiedLanCommController::connect(): Could not connect."
"Today 17:19:36","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 3865749(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:19:35","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 3651141(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:19:34","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 3651128(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:19:33","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 3566148(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:19:32","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 3547459(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:19:32","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() true Put failed"
"Today 17:19:32","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() true Put failed"
"Today 17:19:31","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 3536812(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:19:30","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() true Put failed"
"Today 17:19:30","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() true Put failed"
"Today 17:19:29","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::SendData(): Send error"
"Today 17:19:29","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() true Put failed"
"Today 17:19:29","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::SendData(): Send error"
"Today 17:19:28","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," UnifiedLanCommController::connect(): Could not connect."
"Today 17:19:28","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:19:28","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:19:27","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:19:27","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:19:27","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:19:27","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:19:04","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," UnifiedLanCommController::connect(): Could not connect."
"Today 17:18:56","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," (NEQ1694131) CCU2CommController::getDutyCycle(): Could not get DutyCycle from coprocessor."
"Today 17:18:56","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::SendData(): Send error"
"Today 17:18:55","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," (NEQ1694131) CCU2CommController::getDutyCycle(): Could not get DutyCycle from coprocessor."
"Today 17:18:55","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," UnifiedLanCommController::connect(): Didn't receive IV or switch protocol command. ... disconnecting"
"Today 17:18:55","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::SendData(): Send error"
"Today 17:18:41","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," UnifiedLanCommController::connect(): Didn't receive IV or switch protocol command. ... disconnecting"
"Today 17:18:40","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," (OEQ0608058) CCU2CommController::getDutyCycle(): Could not get DutyCycle from coprocessor."
"Today 17:18:40","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::SendData(): Send error"
"Today 17:18:40","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," (NEQ1694131) CCU2CommController::getDutyCycle(): Could not get DutyCycle from coprocessor."
"Today 17:18:40","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::SendData(): Send error"
"Today 17:18:31","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," UnifiedLanCommController::connect(): Could not connect."
"Today 17:18:27","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() true Put failed"
"Today 17:18:27","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() true Put failed"
"Today 17:18:27","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() true Put failed"
"Today 17:18:27","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::SendData(): Send error"
"Today 17:18:16","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," UnifiedLanCommController::connect(): Could not connect."
"Today 17:18:09","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:18:08","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() true Put failed"
"Today 17:18:08","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() true Put failed"
"Today 17:18:08","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() true Put failed"
"Today 17:18:07","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::SendData(): Send error"
"Today 17:18:07","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() true Put failed"
"Today 17:18:07","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::SendData(): Send error"
"Today 17:18:05","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 5348755(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:17:59","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 2951220(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:17:58","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 1918877(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:17:58","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2CommController::improvedInit() - Identify response string not handled: "
"Today 17:17:57","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 1425625(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:17:56","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() true Put failed"
"Today 17:17:56","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 1379253(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:17:55","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 1371087(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:17:54","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:17:54","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::SendData(): Send error"
"Today 17:17:54","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 5682351(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:17:54","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:17:54","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::SendData(): Send error"
"Today 17:17:54","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 5529460(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:17:54","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:17:54","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::SendData(): Send error"
"Today 17:17:54","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 5528705(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:17:53","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:17:53","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::SendData(): Send error"
"Today 17:17:53","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 3865778(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:17:53","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:17:53","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::SendData(): Send error"
"Today 17:17:53","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 3865749(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:17:53","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:17:53","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::SendData(): Send error"
"Today 17:17:53","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 3651141(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:17:53","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:17:53","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::SendData(): Send error"
"Today 17:17:53","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 3651128(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:17:52","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:17:52","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::SendData(): Send error"
"Today 17:17:52","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 3566148(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:17:52","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:17:52","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::SendData(): Send error"
"Today 17:17:52","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 3547459(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:17:52","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:17:52","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:17:51","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:17:51","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:17:51","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LanConnection::perror(): recv error"
"Today 17:17:51","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 3514591(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:17:50","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 3513692(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:17:49","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 3513657(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:17:48","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 3501121(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:17:47","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() true Put failed"
"Today 17:17:47","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() true Put failed"
"Today 17:17:46","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() true Put failed"
"Today 17:17:46","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 2952604(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:17:46","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() 3 Put failed"
"Today 17:17:38","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::republishAllDevices(): Could not republish device with address 1264551(dec) to coprocessor."
"Today 17:17:38","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," UnifiedLanCommController::connect(): Could not connect."
"Today 17:17:37","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() 3 Put failed"
"Today 17:17:35","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:17:35","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::ReadData(): Receive error"
"Today 17:17:33","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::keepAliveThreadFunction(): Did not receive reply on keepalive."
"Today 17:17:32","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," LGWPortWrapper::keepAliveThreadFunction(): Did not receive reply on keepalive."
"Today 17:06:06","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() true Put failed"
"Today 16:56:05","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() true Put failed"
"Today 16:47:14","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," CCU2BidcosRemoteInterface::RemoveDeviceWakeupRequest(): Failed remotely"
"Today 16:47:05","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() true Put failed"
"Today 12:08:58","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() 3 Put failed"
"Today 00:02:03","1","3","ccu2.fritz.box","rfd:","","1"," HSSParameter::SetValue() \"1,1,108000,9\" Put failed"



Beiträge: 325
Registriert: 10.03.2015, 10:54
Wohnort: Süd NDS
Hat sich bedankt: 3 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 8 Mal

Re: PI2 als Lan-Gateway - Absturz erkennen

Beitrag von sissiwup » 07.04.2018, 09:03

Nachdem ich das Pi-Gateway jede Nacht neu gestartet habe lief es recht rund.
Leider ist es aber nicht so stabil wie der Rest. Heute kurze Netzwerkstörung.
Alles lief danach ohne Probleme weiter, nur das Pi-Gateway nicht.
Neustart des Gateways und es ging wieder alles.

Kann man auf dem Gateway nicht irgendwie ein log schreiben, das etwas,schief,ist?



Beiträge: 49
Registriert: 29.11.2014, 14:28
Wohnort: 44894 Bochum

Re: PI2 als Lan-Gateway - Absturz erkennen

Beitrag von umgc » 07.04.2018, 09:38

Schau Dir den Beitrag mal an.
Du brauchst dann aber auch Historian, zum Aufzeichnen.

https://technikkram.net/2017/08/homemat ... n-tun-kann

Gruß Udo


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