Any manifold actuators that can be set via api?

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Any manifold actuators that can be set via api?

Beitrag von AndyBond » 27.01.2020, 21:03

Hi there,

I used a CCU2 and radiator valves in my old house, my new house has got a manifold system for the radiators and is powered by loxone.

Unfortunately the loxone actuators on the manifold are very unreliable (well - actually the manifold is, there was a leak and the water wiped out a load of the actuators).

I still have my CCU2, and a few old wall mount thermostats. I'm looking to change my actuators to a more reliable (homematic) system, while retaining the core loxone brains.

I was planning on getting the FALMOT-C12 unit and actuators, but... it appears I must have a new IP thermostat for each room to control it (too expensive, I already have temperature readings from all rooms).

Are any of the homematic actuators able to be controlled in a dumb mode? (i.e set open/closed or set %open) by just using the xmlapi and no need for the in room thermostat? (or does anyone have any other suggestions - my fallback is a 8/16port relay board with 24/240v dumb actuators, but might require some wiring work)

Or any possibility of the FALMOT getting that functionality any time soon? My thought was to upgrade to raspberrymatic in time, but use the ccu2 in the short term.

Many Thanks.

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Registriert: 30.11.2013, 16:35
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Re: Any manifold actuators that can be set via api?

Beitrag von tomi_cc16 » 28.01.2020, 11:40

Zuletzt geändert von tomi_cc16 am 28.01.2020, 11:58, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 9
Registriert: 17.04.2015, 19:11

Re: Any manifold actuators that can be set via api?

Beitrag von AndyBond » 28.01.2020, 11:52

I hadn’t seen that particular post, but unfortunately it doesn’t seem to help (I may be missing something)

I can set state using the xmlapi plugin, turn switches on/off all without issue.

What I’m specifically after is a way to turn on and off actuators (Fal/falmot) without the need for an in room thermostat (ie operate in a complete dumb mode)

I have got temperature/humidity readings for each room, and can call various APIs to pass the state I want the valve to be in (either open/close or a percentage). But it seems the falmot definitely can’t, yet? Work that way (you can read the valve state but not set it)

Whatever option I choose at the moment seems to require a lot of cabling or mess. (Or stuck with the proprietary actuators for loxone which seem very unreliable). Which was why I looking to see if one of the homematic solutions would work (without buying a whole new set of thermostats - which would be £400+ on top of the actuators/controller).

Beiträge: 1153
Registriert: 30.11.2013, 16:35
Wohnort: Mordor
Hat sich bedankt: 23 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 56 Mal

Re: Any manifold actuators that can be set via api?

Beitrag von tomi_cc16 » 28.01.2020, 11:56

You can create simple script programs on the CCU or install the Redmatic addon and create Node-Red flows with simple logic.

If temperature is below x - than do y
If temperature is higer than x than do y

3rd party devices you can add with e.g. CuxD addon

Or use ioBroker, Home Assistant or Openhab to combine different brands and logic.

It's possible to achieve your goals ;-)


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