"Stop all current delays before performing" setting

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"Stop all current delays before performing" setting

Beitrag von Helium » 27.01.2020, 14:33

Dear All,

I have been using Homematic Power Switch for more than an year. When I use it as a timer (by setting the delay to x minutes), it works 80% of the time. The rest of the time, it does not switch itself off. I think it has something to do with "Stop all current delays before performing the activity",

What is the purpose of setting up "Stop all current delays before performing the activity"? When should I enable this or NOT enable this option ?

Thanks for your help ! I have attached the program also.
hm powerswitch.jpg

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Re: "Stop all current delays before performing" setting

Beitrag von tomi_cc16 » 27.01.2020, 16:20

Sorry I don't have a perfect solution for you but maybe the information here will help:

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Registriert: 17.01.2019, 22:18
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Re: "Stop all current delays before performing" setting

Beitrag von Helium » 03.02.2020, 16:20

Thanks Tom. Unfortuntely the documentation organisation is very confusing and most of it is in German.

It would be great if you can let me know what does this parameter do in the Switch actuator ?
"Stop all current delays before performing" setting.
Many thanks !

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Re: "Stop all current delays before performing" setting

Beitrag von Sammy » 04.02.2020, 11:51

When you set a delayed action, the CCU starts a timer, that will do the programmed and delayed action.
1. Example switch on in 1h
If you afterwords program another action for the same actor channel it is independent from the first action.
2. Example switch off in 2 minutes.
So both program actions will be executed at the calculated time.
Only if the "clear all delays" option is set, all delays of the other programs regarding this actor channel are cleared and won't be executed.

Best Regards,
Links: CCU-Logik, Tipps für Anfänger, WebUI-Doku, Expertenparameter, virtuelle Aktorkanäle
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