HmIPW-DRBL4 - RaspMatic/CCU3 setup

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HmIPW-DRBL4 - RaspMatic/CCU3 setup

Beitrag von lorant124 » 05.08.2022, 15:59

I have HmIPW-DRBL4 in RaspberryMatic. I would like use it with venetian blinds not with shutter as default setting. If I tried use it in cloud it is possible configure DRBL4 to blind (with slash).
But in Raspberrymatic I doesn't have any setting option.
How to setup ?
please help
thank you

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Re: HmIPW-DRBL4 - RaspMatic/CCU3 setup

Beitrag von MichaelN » 05.08.2022, 16:05

Wrong Page - you need to look at settings
LG, Michael.

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