RaspberryMatic – Neue Version

Einrichtung, Nutzung und Hilfe zu RaspberryMatic (OCCU auf Raspberry Pi)

Moderatoren: jmaus, Co-Administratoren

Beiträge: 9924
Registriert: 17.02.2015, 14:45
System: Alternative CCU (auf Basis OCCU)
Wohnort: Dresden
Hat sich bedankt: 467 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 1918 Mal

Re: RaspberryMatic – Neue Version

Beitrag von jmaus » 13.02.2021, 21:35

MathiasZ hat geschrieben:
13.02.2021, 21:00
Wenn es die RM als Addon für Home Assistant gibt, wie stehen die Chancen, dass man auf ein Addon für IObroker hoffen kann?
Ich kann nicht die ganze Welt retten ;) müssen auch mal andere (du?) Hand anlegen... und dann? Warum ioBroker unter HA? Sind doch beides austauschbare Middlewares. Aber lassen wir das, gehört thematisch nicht hier her!
RaspberryMatic @ ProxmoxVE – ~200 Hm-RF/HmIP-RF/HmIPW Geräte + ioBroker + HomeAssistant – GitHub / Sponsors / PayPal / ☕️

Beiträge: 26
Registriert: 25.11.2017, 00:50
Hat sich bedankt: 1 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 2 Mal

Re: RaspberryMatic – Neue Version

Beitrag von matzefro » 13.02.2021, 22:56

Habe eben das Update durchgeführt. Seitdem meldet der Watchdog „under-voltage detected“

Habe einen Raspi4.
In der vorherigen Version war das noch nicht.

Kann man das abschalten oder brauch die Software mehr „Strom“ 🤣?

Grüße und Danke für einen Tipp oder ein neues Update

Und danke für die Gute Arbeit bis hier - 👍


Re: RaspberryMatic – Neue Version

Beitrag von MathiasZ » 14.02.2021, 03:45

Wenn hier höflich gefragt wird, erwartet man auch eine höfliche Antwort.
Wenn Höflichkeit für Dich ein Fremdwort ist, dann antworte lieber gar nicht.
Falls Du es verpaßt hast, die meisten User hier nutzen eben IObroker:
Zuletzt geändert von MathiasZ am 14.02.2021, 08:01, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

Beiträge: 127
Registriert: 02.01.2017, 10:51
System: Alternative CCU (auf Basis OCCU)
Wohnort: Wiesbaden
Hat sich bedankt: 40 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 18 Mal

Re: RaspberryMatic – Neue Version

Beitrag von Hannnes » 14.02.2021, 04:01

Ui ui ui, ich bekomme keine Verbindung mehr zustande.
„Gerätekommunikation gestört“ zu allen IP-Geräten.
Neustart brachte nichts.
Dutycyle ist bei 12%
Ich habe das Erste mal so geupped:
Startseite > Neuen Version angeklickt > direkt auf die CCU laden lassen.
Lief super durch.
Tja. Ich mach mich mal an ein downgrade.

Neuinstallation der aktuellen Verion brachte nichts
Neuinstallation der Vorherigen Version brachte auch nichts mehr. Davon hab ich die Log Datei angehängt. Da sind viele Kommunikationsfehler erkennbar.
Ich empfange alle Stati, kann aber nichts mehr hinsenden.

Harter Neustart brachte Hilfe. Jetzt kann ich auf die meisten Geräte wieder Befehle senden.
Dann werde ich nochmal auf die letzte updaten

Update auf neuste Version hat wieder funktioniert.
Jetzt funktioniert die Kommunikation wieder bidirektional.
Also alles paletti

Einen Tag später ging wieder nix. Senden auf HmIP-Geräte nicht möglich. Lesen schon. Durch stöbern hier im Forum bin ich nun dahinter gekommen. Es liegt an der neuen Funktion "erst schauen, ob ich zu IP-Geräten funken kann, dann tu ich's. Wenn aber mein IP-Kanal gestört wird, lass ich's lieber".
Jetzt begreife ich auch, warum ich ein neues Gerät im Postkasten hatte. Ich kann jetzt neben dem Duty Cycle auch den für mich neuen Carrier Sense sehen. Die Funktion (erst prüfen, dann senden) war zwar schon in vorherigen Releases drin, hat sich bei mir aber erst mit dem 3.55.10er bemerkbar gemacht. Vielleicht wurde da der Parameter erstmalig auf "true" gesetzt, und blieb das dann auch beim testhalber gemachten downgrade.

Aaaalso. Das neue Gerät zeigte mir dann einen wunderschönen Wert, der mir sagt, dass da mal gar nix gehen kann:
carriersense1.png (16.27 KiB) 1520 mal betrachtet
Also den Raspi 1m weiter hinter die nächste Mauer gestellt, und siehe da:
carriersense2.png (13.89 KiB) 1520 mal betrachtet
und schwups geht der duty cycle nach oben, da die Geräte nach so langer Stille echten Gesprächsbedarf haben.
Jetzt ist das Problem also tatsächlich wirklich gelöst!
(2.65 MiB) 52-mal heruntergeladen
Zuletzt geändert von Hannnes am 15.02.2021, 12:03, insgesamt 6-mal geändert.

Raspberrymatic, ioBroker, Home Assistant
HM, HMIP, Hue, Tradfri, Redmatic, z-wave
CAD ist mein Alltag

Beiträge: 92
Registriert: 02.03.2016, 10:41
Hat sich bedankt: 9 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 4 Mal

Re: RaspberryMatic – Neue Version

Beitrag von Ralli_ » 14.02.2021, 07:50

Guten Morgen,

nach dem (erfolgreichen) Update einer in ESXi laufenden OVA 3.55.5 dauert der Neustart der 3.55.10 mit folgenden Meldungen mehrere Minuten und der RPI-RF-MOD an HB-RF-USB (ist in die VM weiterhin durchgereicht) wird nicht mehr gefunden und eingebunden:

Code: Alles auswählen

Feb 14 07:36:22 de.eq3.cbcs.server.local.base.internal.LocalServerAdapterInitialization ERROR [vert.x-eventloop-thread-2] Error 'LOCAL_ADAPTER_NO_SUCH_PORT' while trying to open port '/dev/mmd_hmip': 
de.eq3.cbcs.lib.commdevice.CommDeviceException: Exception while trying to open serial port. Check configured port '/dev/mmd_hmip'
	at de.eq3.cbcs.lib.nrjavaserialdevice.SerialCommDevice.open(SerialCommDevice.java:105)
	at de.eq3.cbcs.lib.hmiptrxcommadapter.HomeMaticIPTRXCommAdapter.open(HomeMaticIPTRXCommAdapter.java:894)
	at de.eq3.cbcs.lib.hmiptrxcommadapter.HomeMaticIPTRXCommAdapter.<init>(HomeMaticIPTRXCommAdapter.java:103)
	at de.eq3.cbcs.server.local.base.internal.ShareableHomeMaticIPTRXCommAdapter.<init>(ShareableHomeMaticIPTRXCommAdapter.java:20)
	at de.eq3.cbcs.server.local.base.internal.LocalServerAdapterInitialization.start(LocalServerAdapterInitialization.java:110)
	at io.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle.start(AbstractVerticle.java:111)
	at io.vertx.core.impl.DeploymentManager.lambda$doDeploy$8(DeploymentManager.java:434)
	at io.vertx.core.impl.ContextImpl.lambda$wrapTask$2(ContextImpl.java:337)
	at io.netty.util.concurrent.AbstractEventExecutor.safeExecute(AbstractEventExecutor.java:163)
	at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor.runAllTasks(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:403)
	at io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoop.run(NioEventLoop.java:445)
	at io.netty.util.concurrent.SingleThreadEventExecutor$5.run(SingleThreadEventExecutor.java:858)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
Caused by: gnu.io.NoSuchPortException
	at gnu.io.CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier(CommPortIdentifier.java:294)
	at de.eq3.cbcs.lib.nrjavaserialdevice.SerialCommDevice.open(SerialCommDevice.java:96)
	... 12 more
Feb 14 07:36:22 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager INFO  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM: start of LocalServerAdapterInitialization succeeded (82fb7f85-c140-4bc4-9659-b8860140677f) 
Feb 14 07:36:22 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager INFO  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM: start of BackendCommandHandler succeeded (de5b7b2d-39b2-405c-8991-6f506299b955) 
Feb 14 07:36:22 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager INFO  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM: start of IncomingHMIPFrameHandler succeeded (dc00734d-ca57-4482-98c2-cb4ba0d358a3) 
Feb 14 07:36:27 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LocalServerFirmwareUpdateInitialization still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:27 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-3] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyAPIWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:27 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:27 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of BackboneWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:27 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyBackendNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:27 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-2] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of RouteManagementWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:27 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyInitializion still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [legacy.api.worker][connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:34 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: long-lasting deployment, check deployment configuration - currently deployed 18 out of 25 
Feb 14 07:36:34 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LocalServerFirmwareUpdateInitialization still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:34 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-3] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyAPIWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:34 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of BackboneWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:34 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-2] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of RouteManagementWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:34 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyBackendNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:34 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:34 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyInitializion still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [legacy.api.worker][connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:41 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LocalServerFirmwareUpdateInitialization still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:41 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-3] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyAPIWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:41 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:41 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of BackboneWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:41 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyBackendNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:41 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-2] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of RouteManagementWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:41 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyInitializion still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [legacy.api.worker][connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:48 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: long-lasting deployment, check deployment configuration - currently deployed 18 out of 25 
Feb 14 07:36:48 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LocalServerFirmwareUpdateInitialization still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:48 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-3] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyAPIWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:48 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:48 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-2] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of RouteManagementWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:48 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of BackboneWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:48 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyBackendNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:48 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyInitializion still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [legacy.api.worker][connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:55 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LocalServerFirmwareUpdateInitialization still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:55 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:55 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-3] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyAPIWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:55 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-2] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of RouteManagementWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:55 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of BackboneWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:55 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyBackendNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:36:55 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyInitializion still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [legacy.api.worker][connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:02 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: long-lasting deployment, check deployment configuration - currently deployed 18 out of 25 
Feb 14 07:37:02 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LocalServerFirmwareUpdateInitialization still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:02 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-3] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyAPIWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:02 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:02 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-2] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of RouteManagementWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:02 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of BackboneWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:02 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyBackendNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:02 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyInitializion still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [legacy.api.worker][connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:09 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LocalServerFirmwareUpdateInitialization still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:09 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-2] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of RouteManagementWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:09 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:09 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-3] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyAPIWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:09 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of BackboneWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:09 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyBackendNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:09 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyInitializion still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [legacy.api.worker][connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:16 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: long-lasting deployment, check deployment configuration - currently deployed 18 out of 25 
Feb 14 07:37:16 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LocalServerFirmwareUpdateInitialization still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:16 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:16 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-3] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyAPIWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:16 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of BackboneWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:16 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyBackendNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:16 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-2] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of RouteManagementWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:16 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyInitializion still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [legacy.api.worker][connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:23 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LocalServerFirmwareUpdateInitialization still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:23 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-3] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyAPIWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:23 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:23 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-2] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of RouteManagementWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:23 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of BackboneWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:23 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyBackendNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:23 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyInitializion still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [legacy.api.worker][connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:30 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: long-lasting deployment, check deployment configuration - currently deployed 18 out of 25 
Feb 14 07:37:30 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LocalServerFirmwareUpdateInitialization still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:30 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:30 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-3] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyAPIWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:30 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-2] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of RouteManagementWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:30 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of BackboneWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:30 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyBackendNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:30 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyInitializion still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [legacy.api.worker][connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:37 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LocalServerFirmwareUpdateInitialization still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:37 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-2] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of RouteManagementWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:37 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of BackboneWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:37 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyBackendNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:37 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-3] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyAPIWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:37 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:37 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyInitializion still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [legacy.api.worker][connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:44 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: long-lasting deployment, check deployment configuration - currently deployed 18 out of 25 
Feb 14 07:37:44 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LocalServerFirmwareUpdateInitialization still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:44 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:44 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-3] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyAPIWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:44 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-2] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of RouteManagementWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:44 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of BackboneWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:44 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyBackendNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:44 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyInitializion still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [legacy.api.worker][connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:51 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LocalServerFirmwareUpdateInitialization still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:51 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-2] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of RouteManagementWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:51 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-3] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyAPIWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:51 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:51 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of BackboneWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:51 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyBackendNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:51 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyInitializion still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [legacy.api.worker][connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:58 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: long-lasting deployment, check deployment configuration - currently deployed 18 out of 25 
Feb 14 07:37:58 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LocalServerFirmwareUpdateInitialization still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:58 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-3] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyAPIWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:58 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:58 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of BackboneWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:58 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyBackendNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:58 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-2] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of RouteManagementWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:37:58 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyInitializion still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [legacy.api.worker][connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:05 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LocalServerFirmwareUpdateInitialization still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:05 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:05 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-3] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyAPIWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:05 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of BackboneWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:05 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyBackendNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:05 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-2] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of RouteManagementWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:05 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyInitializion still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [legacy.api.worker][connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:12 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: long-lasting deployment, check deployment configuration - currently deployed 18 out of 25 
Feb 14 07:38:12 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LocalServerFirmwareUpdateInitialization still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:12 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-2] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of RouteManagementWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:12 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of BackboneWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:12 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyBackendNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:12 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:12 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-3] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyAPIWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:12 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyInitializion still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [legacy.api.worker][connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:19 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LocalServerFirmwareUpdateInitialization still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:19 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-3] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyAPIWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:19 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:19 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of BackboneWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:19 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyBackendNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:19 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-2] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of RouteManagementWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:19 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyInitializion still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [legacy.api.worker][connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:26 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: long-lasting deployment, check deployment configuration - currently deployed 18 out of 25 
Feb 14 07:38:26 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LocalServerFirmwareUpdateInitialization still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:26 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:26 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-3] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyAPIWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:26 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of BackboneWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:26 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-2] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of RouteManagementWorker still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:26 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyBackendNotificationHandler still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [connector.open]) 
Feb 14 07:38:26 de.eq3.cbcs.vertx.management.VertxManager WARN  [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] SYSTEM ADVICE: pre-conditions for deployment of LegacyInitializion still not met - check deployment configuration  (still unfulfilled: [legacy.api.worker][connector.open]) 

Code: Alles auswählen

Feb 14 07:35:29 vCCU syslog.info syslogd started: BusyBox v1.32.0
Feb 14 07:35:29 vCCU user.notice kernel: klogd started: BusyBox v1.32.0 (2021-02-13 10:54:13 UTC)
Feb 14 07:35:29 vCCU user.info kernel: [    8.049894] NET: Registered protocol family 10
Feb 14 07:35:29 vCCU user.info kernel: [    8.055467] Segment Routing with IPv6
Feb 14 07:35:30 vCCU user.info firewall: configuration set
Feb 14 07:35:30 vCCU daemon.info ifplugd(eth0)[581]: ifplugd 0.28 initializing.
Feb 14 07:35:30 vCCU daemon.info ifplugd(eth0)[581]: Using interface eth0 with driver <e1000> (version: 7.3.21-k8-NAPI)
Feb 14 07:35:30 vCCU daemon.info ifplugd(eth0)[581]: Using detection mode: SIOCETHTOOL
Feb 14 07:35:30 vCCU daemon.info ifplugd(eth0)[581]: Initialization complete, link beat detected.
Feb 14 07:35:30 vCCU daemon.info ifplugd(eth0)[581]: Executing '/etc/ifplugd/ifplugd.action eth0 up'.
Feb 14 07:35:30 vCCU daemon.warn ifplugd(eth0)[581]: client: ifup: interface eth0 already configured
Feb 14 07:35:30 vCCU daemon.info ifplugd(eth0)[581]: Program executed successfully.
Feb 14 07:35:37 vCCU daemon.notice ntpdate[587]: step time server offset +0.777032 sec
Feb 14 07:35:37 vCCU daemon.info chronyd[590]: chronyd version 3.5.1 starting (+CMDMON +NTP +REFCLOCK +RTC -PRIVDROP -SCFILTER -SIGND +ASYNCDNS -SECHASH +IPV6 -DEBUG)
Feb 14 07:35:37 vCCU user.info kernel: [   15.187094] raw-uart raw-uart: Reset radio module
Feb 14 07:35:44 vCCU daemon.err xinetd[698]: Unable to read included directory: /etc/config/xinetd.d [file=/etc/xinetd.conf] [line=14]
Feb 14 07:35:44 vCCU daemon.crit xinetd[698]: 698 {init_services} no services. Exiting...
Feb 14 07:35:44 vCCU auth.info sshd[730]: Server listening on port 22.
Feb 14 07:35:44 vCCU auth.info sshd[730]: Server listening on :: port 22.
Feb 14 07:35:44 vCCU user.info root: Updating RF Lan Gateway Coprocessor Firmware
Feb 14 07:35:44 vCCU user.debug update-coprocessor: firmware filename is: coprocessor_update_hm_only.eq3
Feb 14 07:35:44 vCCU user.info update-coprocessor: performGatewayCoproUpdate(): updating NEQ0000000
Feb 14 07:35:46 vCCU user.info update-coprocessor: Lan Device Information: Protocol-Version: 1 Product-ID: eQ3-HM-LGW Firmware-Version: 1.1.5 Serial Number: NEQ0000000
Feb 14 07:35:47 vCCU user.debug update-coprocessor: (NEQ000000) CCU2CommControllerMod::handleIdentifyEvent(): Coprocessor is in application.
Feb 14 07:35:47 vCCU user.debug update-coprocessor: CCU2CoprocessorCommandMod::CCU2CoprocessorCommandMod(): System frame
Feb 14 07:35:47 vCCU user.debug update-coprocessor: CCU2CoprocessorCommandMod::isResponseStatusOk(): System status OK
Feb 14 07:35:47 vCCU user.debug update-coprocessor: CCU2CommControllerMod::handleIncomingResponse() System response OK
Feb 14 07:35:47 vCCU user.debug update-coprocessor: (NEQ0000000) CCU2CommControllerMod::handleIdentifyEvent(): Coprocessor is in application.
Feb 14 07:35:47 vCCU user.debug update-coprocessor: CoprocessorUpdate::startApplication():Coprocessor entered application.
Feb 14 07:35:48 vCCU user.debug update-coprocessor: CCU2CoprocessorCommandMod::CCU2CoprocessorCommandMod(): System frame
Feb 14 07:35:48 vCCU user.debug update-coprocessor: CCU2CoprocessorCommandMod::isResponseStatusOk(): System status OK
Feb 14 07:35:48 vCCU user.debug update-coprocessor: CCU2CommControllerMod::handleIncomingResponse() System response OK
Feb 14 07:35:48 vCCU user.info update-coprocessor: Version: 1.4.1
Feb 14 07:35:48 vCCU user.info update-coprocessor: Coprocessor firmware not necessary.
Feb 14 07:35:48 vCCU user.info update-coprocessor: performGatewayCoproUpdate(): updating MEQ0000000
Feb 14 07:35:50 vCCU user.info update-coprocessor: Lan Device Information: Protocol-Version: 1 Product-ID: eQ3-HM-LGW Firmware-Version: 1.1.5 Serial Number: MEQ000000
Feb 14 07:35:52 vCCU user.debug update-coprocessor: (MEQ0000000) CCU2CommControllerMod::handleIdentifyEvent(): Coprocessor is in application.
Feb 14 07:35:52 vCCU user.debug update-coprocessor: CCU2CoprocessorCommandMod::CCU2CoprocessorCommandMod(): System frame
Feb 14 07:35:52 vCCU user.debug update-coprocessor: CCU2CoprocessorCommandMod::isResponseStatusOk(): System status OK
Feb 14 07:35:52 vCCU user.debug update-coprocessor: CCU2CommControllerMod::handleIncomingResponse() System response OK
Feb 14 07:35:52 vCCU user.debug update-coprocessor: (MEQ0000000) CCU2CommControllerMod::handleIdentifyEvent(): Coprocessor is in application.
Feb 14 07:35:52 vCCU user.debug update-coprocessor: CoprocessorUpdate::startApplication():Coprocessor entered application.
Feb 14 07:35:52 vCCU user.debug update-coprocessor: CCU2CoprocessorCommandMod::CCU2CoprocessorCommandMod(): System frame
Feb 14 07:35:52 vCCU user.debug update-coprocessor: CCU2CoprocessorCommandMod::isResponseStatusOk(): System status OK
Feb 14 07:35:52 vCCU user.debug update-coprocessor: CCU2CommControllerMod::handleIncomingResponse() System response OK
Feb 14 07:35:52 vCCU user.info update-coprocessor: Version: 1.4.1
Feb 14 07:35:52 vCCU user.info update-coprocessor: Coprocessor firmware not necessary.
Feb 14 07:35:52 vCCU user.info root: Updating RF Lan Gateway Firmware
Feb 14 07:35:52 vCCU user.info update-lgw-firmware: LAN Gateway Firmware Update...
Feb 14 07:35:52 vCCU user.info update-lgw-firmware: Gateway NEQ0000000
Feb 14 07:35:54 vCCU user.info update-lgw-firmware: Gateway type is eQ3-HM-LGW-App
Feb 14 07:35:54 vCCU user.info update-lgw-firmware: Available Firmware Version:   1.1.5
Feb 14 07:35:54 vCCU user.info update-lgw-firmware: Lan Gateway Firmware Version: 1.1.5
Feb 14 07:35:54 vCCU user.info update-lgw-firmware: Firmware is up to date
Feb 14 07:35:54 vCCU user.info update-lgw-firmware: LAN Gateway Firmware Update...
Feb 14 07:35:54 vCCU user.info update-lgw-firmware: Gateway MEQ0000000
Feb 14 07:35:56 vCCU user.info update-lgw-firmware: Gateway type is eQ3-HM-LGW-App
Feb 14 07:35:56 vCCU user.info update-lgw-firmware: Available Firmware Version:   1.1.5
Feb 14 07:35:56 vCCU user.info update-lgw-firmware: Lan Gateway Firmware Version: 1.1.5
Feb 14 07:35:56 vCCU user.info update-lgw-firmware: Firmware is up to date
Feb 14 07:35:56 vCCU user.info root: Updating Wired Lan Gateway Firmware
Feb 14 07:35:56 vCCU user.info update-lgw-firmware: LAN Gateway Firmware Update...
Feb 14 07:35:56 vCCU user.info update-lgw-firmware: Gateway NEQ0000000
Feb 14 07:35:58 vCCU user.info update-lgw-firmware: Gateway type is eQ3-HMW-LGW-App
Feb 14 07:35:58 vCCU user.info update-lgw-firmware: Available Firmware Version:   1.0.5
Feb 14 07:35:58 vCCU user.info update-lgw-firmware: Lan Gateway Firmware Version: 1.0.5
Feb 14 07:35:58 vCCU user.info update-lgw-firmware: Firmware is up to date
Feb 14 07:35:58 vCCU user.info kernel: [   36.496856] eq3loop: created slave mmd_hmip
Feb 14 07:35:58 vCCU user.info kernel: [   36.496967] eq3loop: created slave mmd_bidcos
Feb 14 07:36:04 vCCU user.err multimac: No Coprocessor detected!!! 
Feb 14 07:36:04 vCCU user.info kernel: [   42.498473] eq3loop: eq3loop_close_master() mmd_bidcos
Feb 14 07:36:04 vCCU user.info kernel: [   42.498475] eq3loop: eq3loop_close_master() mmd_bidcos destroy device
Feb 14 07:36:04 vCCU user.info kernel: [   42.498545] eq3loop: eq3loop_close_master() mmd_hmip
Feb 14 07:36:04 vCCU user.info kernel: [   42.498546] eq3loop: eq3loop_close_master() mmd_hmip destroy device
Feb 14 07:36:08 vCCU user.err rfd: CCU2CommController::improvedInit() - Identify response string not handled: 
Feb 14 07:36:13 vCCU user.err rfd: () CCU2CommController::setCSMACAEnabled(): Error disabling CSMA/CA.
Das Verhalten ist reproduzierbar und tritt auch nach Neustart auf. Ich bin auf den Snapshot vor Update zurück, 3.55.5 läuft.
Zuletzt geändert von Ralli_ am 14.02.2021, 11:25, insgesamt 3-mal geändert.

Proxmox 8.2 Cluster mit HP ED800G2i7, Intel NUC11TNHi7+NUC7i5BNH, virtualisiertes fhem 6.3dev, virtualisierte RaspberryMatic ( mit HB-RF-ETH 1.3.0 / RPI-RF-MOD, HM-LAN-GW (1.4.1) und HMW, FRITZBOX 7490 (7.57), FBDECT

Beiträge: 12144
Registriert: 20.11.2016, 20:01
Hat sich bedankt: 854 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 2156 Mal

Re: RaspberryMatic – Neue Version

Beitrag von jp112sdl » 14.02.2021, 08:29

jmaus hat geschrieben:
13.02.2021, 16:11
  • Hinzufügen eines neuen Monit-WatchDog Checks der bei Nutzung einer eMMC (z.B. bei Einsatz eines Tinkerboard S) in regelmäßigen Abständen Lebenszyklus Einträge der eMMC überwacht und eine WebUI Alarmierung auslöst wenn die Lebenzeit der eMMC über 90% ausgeschöpft ist.
Der checkEMMCLifeTime.sh läuft auf meinen beiden Pi 3b+ (garantiert ohne eMMC ^^) endlos.
Alle 15...20 Sekunden bekommt er eine neue Prozess-ID.
Ich werde den auch mit kill nicht los.

Ein weiterer, manueller Aufruf von /bin/checkEMMCLifeTime.sh flutscht jedoch sofort mit exit 0 durch.
Keine Ahnung, warum die von monit aufgerufenen Prozesse so stur festhängen...

Jérôme ☕️

Support for my Homebrew-Devices: Download JP-HB-Devices Addon

Beiträge: 2622
Registriert: 10.06.2015, 08:54
Wohnort: Hennef
Hat sich bedankt: 10 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 28 Mal

Re: RaspberryMatic – Neue Version

Beitrag von AndiN » 14.02.2021, 08:32


Update seit 12 Stunden ohne Auffälligkeiten auf einem Pi3 im Einsatz. Nur wurde mir die Version nicht als Update vorher angezeigt. Das war die einzige „Auffälligkeit“

[OT ON] @MatthiasZ. Eine „leichte“ Grundanspannung ist kaum zu übersehen. Du solltest nicht jedes Wort auf die Goldwaage legen. Vermutlich hat Jens ehrenamtlich auch nicht die Zeit alle Wünsche zu erfüllen und wir sollten auch mal dankbar sein für die kostenlosen Updates. Du hast doch auch mit der CCU2 und den original Firmware gestartet. Da liegen jetzt doch Welten zwischen. [OT OFF]

Wünsche allen einen schönen Sonntag
Andi (Greenhorn)

Letzter Reboot: 01.06.24 => FW Update (Uptime:Rekord:153 Tage)
Systeminfos: Raspberry Pi3 Firmware: 142 Geräte
System angebunden: 3 Roomba 650 - Sprachausgabe via Home24 Media - Pocket Control
- Zentrale: Asus TF103 mit Home24 Tablet
Addons: Drucken 2.5 - HQ WebUI 2.5.9 - XML-API 1.22 - CUx-Daemon 2.9.3 - E-Mail 1.7.4 - hm_pdetect 1.11 - VPN cloudmatic
Diverse Links

Beiträge: 127
Registriert: 02.01.2017, 10:51
System: Alternative CCU (auf Basis OCCU)
Wohnort: Wiesbaden
Hat sich bedankt: 40 Mal
Danksagung erhalten: 18 Mal

Re: RaspberryMatic – Neue Version

Beitrag von Hannnes » 14.02.2021, 09:13

MathiasZ hat geschrieben:
14.02.2021, 03:45
Wenn hier höflich gefragt wird, erwartet man auch eine höfliche Antwort.
Wenn Höflichkeit für Dich ein Fremdwort ist, dann antworte lieber gar nicht.
Falls Du es verpaßt hast, die meisten User hier nutzen eben IObroker:
Ich kann nichts Unhöfliches entdecken. Ich sehe viel mehr Humor. Und mal ganz ehrlich, Jens leistet Unglaubliches für die Community. Es ist schlichtweg nicht möglich neben Job, Kindern und solch fetten Freizeitprojekten, die er stemmt noch „die restliche ganze Welt zu retten“. Und warum sollte es nicht eine Variante sein, dass Du das beiträgst. Denn alles, was hier lebt, lebt durch Freiwilligkeit. Also durch Menschen wie „Du und ich“. Es kann ja keiner wissen, ob du Programmierer bist oder nicht. Es könnte ja aber sein.
Also nicht so Bier-ernst sein, sondern Smileys sehen und verstehen und hier den Ton nicht so nach Unten ziehen.
Wer hier unhöflich erscheint, in meinen Augen, bist leider Du. Dein letzter Satz ist eine Frechheit.
Just my 2ct

Raspberrymatic, ioBroker, Home Assistant
HM, HMIP, Hue, Tradfri, Redmatic, z-wave
CAD ist mein Alltag

Beiträge: 16
Registriert: 31.01.2015, 17:50
Danksagung erhalten: 1 Mal

Re: RaspberryMatic – Neue Version

Beitrag von pstvoe » 14.02.2021, 09:21

haegele100 hat geschrieben:
13.02.2021, 17:28
Es wird auf der Startseite und bei der Zentralenwartung

Aktuelle Firmwareversion:
RaspMatic-Update: Firmware ist verfügbar



Das liegt wohl daran, dass "Computer-mathematisch" in einem String die ".5" größer ist als die ".10"

Beiträge: 13
Registriert: 30.12.2017, 13:29

Re: RaspberryMatic – Neue Version

Beitrag von Soko » 14.02.2021, 09:24

Guten Morgen !!!

Neue Version runtergeladen und installiert. Alles Funktioniert bis jetzt. Nur der USB SPEICHER wird nicht mehr erkannt "Es ist kein USB-Speicher für die Speicherung der Diagrammdaten vorhanden......". Ich habe jetzt den Raspberry 3b+ mit RaspberryMatic neu gestartet und fährt nicht mehr hoch.

P.S: Habe Sd Karte Formatiert , neue Software drauf dann in Recovery modus das Backup eingespielt, und alles läuft, bis jetzt.

Schönen Gruß
Zuletzt geändert von Soko am 14.02.2021, 15:37, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.


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